Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Errr, i do not have any pictures other than this.So, happy birthday NJ.
and so, i was "duped" into going watching a movie.It was the first time of my life that i had a cake smashed right into me.It all started when Shini smashed the cake into Nj's face and i was unlucky standing right infront of NJ.The next thing she did was to catapult that colourful and chapalang flavoured cake right into me!
Anyway i had to train home with that cake smothered shirt.I had never attracted attention in such a way all my life.I was queueing up for a taxi as soon as i reached Yishun and 1 auntie behind me used her hand and covered her nose.I guessed i really STINK! Even now, i smell a little bit like cream.
I guess this holidays is starting to be really interesting.I have alot of emotions about it.Happy and frustrated.Sometimes i wished that i am in school so my parents do not have the chance to nag at me so much but on the other hand, if there's school i will not be able to enjoy at night.So once again, everything had its dark and bright side.
and now, i am going to catch a wink.
Labels: i miss my light
12:49 PM
Sunday, March 29, 2009
After work today, i suspect i had fractured every finger of mine,broke both my ankles and dislocated my shoulders.
For that, i get $50.
I swear i had never been so tired in my life before.
I must enjoy myself this week.
Labels: do you know you are dumb?
7:42 AM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Did you guys see the cheese advertisment on tv? Well,since my mother bought those cheese,i decided to copy how they cooked it.

LOL, tasted good to me seriously.The cheese is really good to me too.
Did not sleep for the whole night before heading to Temasek Poly for the annual nationals X-Country run.Of course i was not the running but i was one of the marshals.I almost fainted from the heat.The sun was unbelievably scorching.I felt like a piece of dry baked biscuit.I think i sweat more than those who were running.LOL
anyway i think TP is a little budget?
Alright,i just slept for 2 hours only before waking up.I need to have more sleep.
Labels: i have eyebags
2:17 AM
Monday, March 23, 2009
7 of us went searching for the so called only FRIED CHICKEN buffet in singapore.After much hard work, we finally hunted the shop down.Just a tiny little shop at chinatown.First impression of the shop wasn't good because ventilation was a problem.Once you enter,you smell the oil and everything.However,with a buffet of $10, you got to bear with it.Shockingly,there was no other customers when we went.

For the record and if my memory did not fail me, we ordered 17 spicy wings( they called it wings but it was obviously drumlets and they are NOT SPICY), 50 nuggets(which i thought was the best), 4 big packets of fries(not bad),20 piece chicken(Normal fried chicken but kinda juicy) and a chicken burger each.
It's only $10 each person and everything is free flow.However,i don't think its a good concept because one can seriously get sick and tired of this fast.It would be a long long time before i return.The set meals are worth it as they are all below $5 too.
Oh,ask for pork here and they will kick you out because they are certified halal.
3rd driving lesson tomorrow and i can't wait! I just enjoy driving!
11:39 AM
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I am just feeling not right tonight.
I believe deeply in a saying " Every dark side of life has its bright side" Such a belief had kept me going in life.It brings me up when i felt that i am down.
For example, some things you lost could be a blessing in disguise.
When you lose the soul, you cannot keep the heart and all will be meaningless.Don't you agree?
Probably i should not hang on to stuffs that's not worth it.
Yes,a human mind is complicated.Sometimes i think that if you know what i am thinking in my brain,you might call me a monster.However,the fact is that's humans.
The question i want to ask is, "what the hell are you thinking?" For once, i think you are scary.
Once again, i must emphasize i don't like to be a fool.
On a side note, i think i like mind games.
Labels: this part of a post shows what is mainly occupying the blogger's mind.
2:16 PM
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Today me went to Expo with Qingwen KorKor and Kuanee KorKor.We went into the food fair to walk walk and we slowly realised the place is familiar.Thought about it awhile and we all realised the place resembles the pasar malam near our house! Almost all the food stalls you can find in pasar malam can be found there.Oh,it looked likely that's it more expensive in Expo.You pay for the price of the air con.
Disappointed with what we found and saw,we went to the Adidas sale and guess what? It was yet another pasar malam.It's a huge worry because Expo is fast becoming an air conditioned pasar malam.
Met up with Kianboon didi and Edmund Tan didi and headed to Tampines Mall for Ajisen.Now,i am broke.Life is a worry without money.

I found a good deal for supper.$3 for all of this and i could have had more.Errr,i would like to call it a $3 supper buffet.

These are Deep Fried Guinea pigs.Oh dear,look at their expressions.I would not rule out them being alive while being fried? Nono, i did not eat them!
finally,my left eye still feel as if there are 10 feathers inside and i still feel like someone punched my eye while i was sleeping.
Labels: things are not simple
12:29 PM
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
It had been a very fulfilling week.Let me tell you why.
Monday-Met up with Yianping,Lihui and Ke for a pizza hut lunch.Lihui as usual kept on insulting others without sparing a thought for them.However,enjoyable yet unfilling lunch at pizza hut.
Tuesday-Took my PDL and started my first driving lesson.Driving is super fun!
Wednesday-Went to donate blood for the first time and i thought it was going to be painful but it was not.I bled profusely in the process.Jermaine scare me when she almost fainted? Or what? But scary!
The following days of this week should be equally fulfilling.We are going to have fried chicken buffet!
On a side note, girls are truly weird in some ways.What they do, what they say and how they think.I guess guys will never understand fully.When their personality is even more complexed,things will not be easy.I only know, i don't like to be a fool.
Labels: a life of purpose is the purpose of life
12:39 PM
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Nothing more is needed to say about the scoreline.
Met up with my cousins and we ate at Manhattan Fish Market.Did not really enjoyed the fish but the Fried mushroom was excellent.Rushed our dinner and we headed over to Liquid Gold for probably the biggest match in English football.The atmosphere there was excellent and was very much heated.I had a Man U fan walking past me and said "eeyer." Never mind about that because i had the last laugh at the end of the day.
I walked past an ang moh on my way back and he hi 5-ed with me and he gave me a hug! LOL.Amazingly cool but i do fear for my safety especially with the Liverpool jersey i was wearing.
Once again, an amazing result and performance from my beloved Liverpool.I was extremely proud and i shouted till i have abit of sore throat.
Liverpool is a football club which i have deep feelings.It's a type of love and affinity and it will go on.
I am going to buy every newspaper tomorrow.WOOHOO!!!
Labels: You'll Never Walk Alone
9:50 AM
Friday, March 13, 2009
Met up with Jermaine Xinghui and Hot Dog girl yesterday.Jermaine went to trim her eyebrow before that and Xh claimed that she's chio now.Had a simple yet unsatisfying lunch at LJS as requested by hot dog.Chatted for awhile and laughed for awhile before heading to funland to play some photohunt.After 5 or 6 tries, we finally broke our 300,000 points target.Went to POSB bank to update Jermaine's passbook.She took such a long time.They headed home while we met up the guys to Chinatown.
They went there to book their trip to Thailand.After they booked their tickets, i requested from them each a gift.
Okay, i think i nothing to say already.
Labels: everytime i think how could it be, i asked myself why not?
4:21 AM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pardon me for this post but i am so happy and overwhelmed now.My beloved Liverpool had just beaten the greatest team in Europe,Real Madrid by 4-0.It was a great great performance.Nobody can deny Liverpool was the better team on the night.It had not sunk in yet but i am proud to be a Liverpool fan.It's official now, UEFA have ranked Liverpool as the best team in Europe for the past 5 years and the 4-0 defeat was RM's worst ever defeat in CL history.Now, i hope Liverpool will get Bayern Munich in the Quarter Finals.
Labels: i am so proud to be a Liverpool fan
11:15 PM
Monday, March 9, 2009

Was bored to tears so i decided to try and dig for some interesting photos and here was what i found! This was taken a long long time ago i guess but somehow forgot to blog it out or what.Look at Jermaine.So cool in my opinion.hahahah
Met up with Lihui along with Alvin and Kuanee for Prata and Indian rojak yesterday night.
This was what she scolded all of us! Lihui changed alot alot alot alot alot already.
She scold vulgarities.
She laughed at us being low class as we bought ice creams from 7-11
She cheated us by telling us that she's treating us to supper
She consume drugs
She says we are disgusting
She asked me to eat magic mushroom(drug)
Lihui is a bad bad girl now..
Well staying at home all day is a bad thing.However, playing mahjong everyday seems worst to me.I am just sick and tired of it for the moment.Sometimes i ask myself why i am not more involved in poly stuffs.After school, i will simply head home.To me,going to class is not a bad thing.Honestly,i wish that school will come earlier providing i can continue to sleep at 7am and wake up at 4pm.At least when i go to school,i can disturb my classmates and most importantly, my lecturers.
sigh sigh sigh!
Going to try to look for job tomorrow.Hope i am blessed with some luck.
Labels: i am not the same anymore
1:10 PM
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Sometimes in life, the best you want isin't the best you will get.Somehow or rather, it will turn out worst.
The prettiest of girls will be the most untrustable
The best looking of guys will be the most untrustable.
The best soccer or basketball player will be looking for a club who can offer them the best contract.
The best is not always the best.
I can't wait to meet up with many people.Like my cousins and my friends whom i had not seen for a long time.It beats playing mahjong every single day.Life is changing very much and i can feel that there will be more and more stress as the days goes by.I am 19 now and i am not as funny as when i was 13 for sure.The times then were very carefree but right now, every step i take, i will be reminded of what will i become in the future.Times for jokes are not as much as the past but i believe i will still be there to entertain my friends because i think its simply my passion to joke and provide laughter for others.
After talking so much, sometimes i still don't bother about anything and i just want to enjoy but i guess, at this age it's alright.
Labels: ACT CUTE seems to be the funniest topic of the night.
11:42 AM
Thursday, March 5, 2009
This was the first picture we took 2 years ago,on the night of graduation.I say don't need to thank me for the advices i gave and the smiles and laughters i brought.It's my part as a friend.Well,i just hope your wishes will come true one day! I will continue to give you advices okay?! We will meet up soon, I promised too.Do remember to sleep more!
Today is yet another boring day.Supposed to wake up at 11am to meet my friends but i failed to wake up which resulted in my friends coming my house and spammed my doorbell till i wake up.Cabbed down to SBC to watch match then went to Geylang to eat our lunch before cabbing back to my home for our daily mahjong session.Boring hor? HA HA HA
Who got job lobangs??
3:17 AM
Monday, March 2, 2009
With an blink of an eye, It's already March of 2009.2 weeks or so into my holidays already and i am feeling really really bored.I sleep at about 6 to 7am every single day and i wake up only at about 4pm.Yes,very unhealthy way of living.
I don't know why but i am not feeling comfortable this few days.I just feel there are still things not done and everything is not going on smoothly for me.It's just a weird feeling i have inside me.If you ask me who's my best friend and i will probably tell you its my laptop.However,the things that's supposed to be done using my laptop is not going well.Sigh.. Okay,i think nobody understands what i am trying to say here.
Anyone been following CSS3 this time round? I personally felt that the standards of Project Superstar, Superband,etc had gone down but this CSS had really impressed me.The guys cant really sing including that small boy who's bound to be champion.It's the girls i am impressed with.Cute and pretty and hot and got some powerful vocals.WOOHOO!!
Okay,its 5.10am now.I shall go read some stuffs! Auf Wiedersehen!
1:06 PM