Thursday, February 25, 2010

I broke a personal record of not sleeping for 48 hours.Do not get me wrong, I stayed up to watch soccer rather than studying. I went for my exams without sleep and then to Peifen's house for steamboat and gambling and then to Qingwen's house for further gambling. I lived life to the fullest for 48hours and i can gurantee you, it is not a nice feeling.

It is strange as sometimes you feel very very sleepy but sometimes very awake. However, as time wears on, you know you are approaching the end. I thought the lorry was coming at the moment before i slept again. I guess i would never try that again.

If you guys wonder what i do during the night when i don't sleep, i can tell you i am actually watching something educational. I love Air Crash Investigations and after watching the entire series 1 to 5, I must admit i have absolute fear in taking an aircraft again. The reasons why planes crash can get absoutely ridiculous.

For those who are interested or absoutely bored,

Actually, I think anyone will be interested because it is not those boring documentaries but instead, it is actually very surreal and dramatic.

Other activities i do in the night cannot be revealed =D

I also want to urge everyone to place a bet on tomorrow's $10m toto draw. Buy yourself a dream, buy yourself a chance and buy yourself a hope. It don't hurt for you to just place a $2 bet on it. If your excuse is "I don't gamble!" then i can tell you, this is not gambling. This is BUYING YOURSELF A HOPE.

9:01 AM

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
heh heh heh... She's so cute hor?

Just couldn't get to sleep and in 1 hour time, i will be off to school for my Econs exams. Well, I thought I was well prepared but no, there's many things i cannot understand. Econs truly requires understanding and that is why some of the photocopy machines couldn't do well.

Anyway, sometimes it is unbelievable that why people chose to be losers. That is giving up before even trying.Well I used to be one academically but i promised myself to try and not to be one again. You know, i am a person who don't likes to lose in anything that I want to compete.However, it must be worth competing. To me, education is not even worth competing.

I absoutely hate losing but sometimes I must accept defeat because only defeats makes you learn something and you will improve from there.The worst thing is that you do not know what is wrong with yourself.

Ever since I sorted out my heart out, it has been empty. It's sad to always see my world revolving round a girl. I do not want to be like that but I have no choice. This is me! The girl I love will always be my achilles heel, I really don't understand that. Having said so much, I have not found the girl yet. HAHA

Okay it's getting ridiculous probably because i am starting to get drowsy. Off I go to school now, goodbye!

1:02 PM

Saturday, February 20, 2010
My Super Belated Birthday dinner!

So we went to this place called Mr Curry at Central to have our dinner. So naturally, Mr Curry serves curry and naturally, we had curry. Err, not too bad for the first few mouths but you will slowly feel sick. Anyway, thanks guys for the treat. Special thanks to Wanling for the birthday card as well. I am honoured!

8:31 AM

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
heh heh heh... I love yang chewrens!

It's been an absoutely boring chinese new year so far and a very very frustrating one. I do not know what is the problem but it seems like, nothing around me can be decided and nobody could be decisive.

You know there are many occasions during these few days which I felt like screaming the magical 4 letter word into some of my good friend's faces. Already being so frustrated with the boring life i have at home, I still faced many repeated calls for change of plans and some totally stupid actions from some people. It's really really frustrating for me to keep changing this and that, calling somebody and asking them if you can make it tomorrow and bla bla bla and then at the end of everything, i get to find out that the whole thing won't happen.

AND THEN.... They cannot be decisive! They just can't give you a yes or no answer. That's the worst answer you can get. I don't understand what's up with "SEE FIRST".How is that an answer? If you SEE FIRST and everyone else starts to SEE FIRST, we will end up SEEING OURSELVES.

I am just god damn frustrated and angry that everything I'd planned and wished to happened hasn't happen.I've got a pretty bad temper too but I just kept it in check because i knew i got to be patient. Last year's CNY was not so bad, there was still some gatherings and so on. This year? Totally nothing. You wouldn't want to think about what's next.

Finally, for people who wants to talk about stupid things with me, please get lost. I do not have anymore patience to deal with people like this anymore and this really irks me. When I tell you something once, take it and accept it without excuses if not, don't blame me for being rude the next moment. I am an Aquarius and yes, i absoutely detest people disagreeing with me.For imbeciles, don't fret and worry about something that did not happen and is not happening, if not, you will pay the price yourself.

10:39 AM

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Introducing to everyone my good friend!! Say hello to him alright!

I think I hardly can find anyone who disagrees with me. There's hardly any Chinese New Year atmosphere this year. Probably the exams are commencing and there are many people who like me, does not have a valentine.

In the past, I looked forward to every CNY because to be honest, it's a massive cash boost to people like me.However, this year, I don't think the amount of money meant so much anymore. To be honest again, I have many wealthy relatives around me and I don't deny that I get quite alot every CNY. In exchange of these, I have to endure the usual nonsense by relatives. Every year, i just turn a deaf ear but this year, I just feel bad. I rather give up the money to shut them up. A simple example will be them saying I AM A VERY QUIET BOY WHO DOESNT KNOW HOW TO TALK.

This year, I managed to witness,feel and listen to some mean and ugly stories which totally shook me up. I don't wish to elaborate too much but to everyone out there, if you are not confident in your love relationship, don't ever get married or rather give birth to a child. Divorce cases are on the up and out of 10 cases, 7 are requested by the female party. A divorce tears a family apart and who suffers the most? It is the child. Social problems, lack of family concern/love and many other stuffs. It will forced the child to grow up faster and become independent but it is far fetched from being a good thing. Marriage is a relationship that should last forever and based on what I saw, I won't let the word "Marriage" down in the future.


10:30 AM

Friday, February 12, 2010
Well oh well, finally half of the tests are over and we all can catch a breath for the upcoming chinese new year at least. It is going to be a long break before we sit for our next paper but well, time flies. It has been a hectic week and I am just glad and relieved that it is over.

Went to Upper Thompson to have Prata late last night. They claimed they have the crispiest prata in town and I would give them the benefit of doubt.

Super huge Murtabak, my stomach felt uncomfortable till the very very next morning.

Bandung Dinosaur!

There's so many things I wished to say but I shall just wait for right time and opportunity. Oh wait, I wonder if i will ever have that opportunity.

finally, Happy Birthday Yingpei!


5:57 AM

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Alright, It is my 20th birthday today and I wasn't abit excited about it. Main reason, I had a tough paper today. Every aging year comes with new responsibility and tougher challenges. That is something that you cannot be happy about.

So my classmates celebrated my birthday for me. Not forgetting Shini who shares the same birthday as me! I have to admit I am the one who do the usual singing of Happy Birthday for others and I felt rather out of place when they did it for me.It's been years since I blown a candle on a cake.

The ice-cream cake(mudpie) that Peifen bought all the way from Island Creamery. However, it melted due to poor and lousy storage from the auntie in foodcourt 1. It's kinda wasted.

It soon became LAVA instead of ice cream.

Our group photo.

I would like to thank everyone who made the effort to wish me a Happy Birthday. An even further thanks to those who made the effort who try and make things happen and an even special special thanks to Peifen who went the extra mile to buy a cake despite having many things to study. I really really appreciate all the kindness from humans around me. There is no words that can express my complete graditude.I am really touched.

I don't know why but I just feel so frustrated today.

5:12 AM

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Approximately 7hrs from now and it will be the start of the exam period. The start of the exam period also signifies the end of the semester. 2 years in Polytechnic flew past and I could gurantee anyone that it was no breeze.There is no consolation as every upcoming battle will be tougher and rougher. I was chatting with some of my classmates via SMS and MSN about the upcoming test and some of the things they do and say really really irked me even though it was not my business to some extent. The poster above is for them. You might think it is crap since it's coming from me who have atrocious results. However, losing sleep and being a zombie on a regular basis to study is certainly not the way.

However, I am missing the M and half the A. No doubt, hard work plays a part but once again I have to share this with everyone. "An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't. " Simply means, do not be a photocopy machine. I have seen tons of people in my life being photocopy machines and the worst part is that they actually think that they are geniuses.

Don't get me wrong, it is just something that I always put across to my classmates. I have so little interest in what i am studying now and that is the most i can do. All the best to everyone!


9:09 AM

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
For almost 2 decades, I've been to my grandma's house for countless times but never did i knew that an enormously huge mansion nearby named the Ng's Mansion was owned by Singapore's richest man.You must see for yourself how big is that mansion. Mr Ng Teng Fong passed away yesterday at the age of 82. Read up the papers and news and he showed that he was a truly humble man despite his success.

He is currently the world's 87th richest man and he owns a stunning fortune of US$8billion which is S$11billion. He is the owner of Far East Organisation which builds your shopping centres, hotels etc. He also owns Hong Kong's 3rd largest property developer Sino Group which employs 9000 employees. A property magnate always avoid the limelight. He never accepts interviews or expose himself to the media because he was so afraid that he would be kidnapped and murdered. He feared that once he's gone, his businesses will all faill and collapse and his family will be finished.

However, what a truly humble man he was. His favourite food is the $2 wanton mee from Newton and he was once spotted packing lunch up to a flight. Several of his employees have also came out to testify that this man had no airs despite his wealth and he was a very nice and polite man.

He worked 18hrs a day and he loved challenges. He will sometimes not sleep at all just to solve the problems present. You could say this man worked to his death.He dedicated his life to what he was doing and he succeeded. He was commited to something which was worth it and I thought that showed intelligence and logic

However, come to think of it again, he did not really have a chance to enjoy his wealth isin't it? In anyway, i was thoroughly impressed by this man. He reflected true intelligence.

Today, my lecturer said something to me which was more of a myth but it was something i certainly wished that it will happen. To be honest, I dreamt of it, thought of it and planned to be. Of course, this is no say say matter and true blood and sweat must be shed. I do not know what the future holds but I will stand by my words and I am certain I will realise my dreams and keep every single one who looked down on me and my family quiet.


12:47 AM

Monday, February 1, 2010
Everytime I say do not judge me by my academic results, I meant it. Once again, I showed that I have valid grounds in saying this. I understand why people doubt my ability but i do not understand why they doubt my intelligence. Furthermore, some of these people lacks genuine common sense. However, I am not blaming them at all considering their terrible general knowledge. They sure have not seen much of the world.An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don't.

I am sensitive towards this kind of things about me because I have tons of people who looked down on me and I have to prove them all wrong. Some people might think I am acting smart but I can tell you, I really think I am smart. Perhaps it was due to the fact that I grew up with tuition teachers and primary school teachers telling me and my mother that I am a smart boy. How smart am I, I don't know but I am sure I know what am I good in.

In my life, there are some people who I will owe them a favour forever. I always wanted to show my gratitude but it's simply not feasible.

Some things that happened recently have literally shocked me. It is absolutely ridiculous and I will brand that as plain stupidity. So much so that i have nothing more to offer except for a few headshakes.


2:24 AM


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