Thursday, April 30, 2009

I am currently addicted to Subway! I simply cannot get enough of meatballs.This promotion ends on May 17 so hurry up and go eat it! I just ate it today and i am going for more tomorrow! I am just glad that Subway have an outlet in Northpoint. More, more and more loti!!
Labels: i.lve.sbwy
9:29 AM
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I am really really frustrated to go to school at 8am or 830am because i hate squeezing with FOREIGNERS and the entrance at Dover is forever blocked by Year 1 students. I got some MRT tips to give all my fellow SP friends.
1. Board the train at a cabin at least 4 cabins away from the nearest escalator.I can gurantee you that 80% of the people are too lazy to walk too far away from the escalator they took.
2.After you boarded the train, move right into the side where you going to alight later.Don't do that and i gurantee you will be molested or suffocated when nearing Jurong East.
3.Avoid seating down if you take trains before 8am.
To all the dear Year 1, please please please for god's sake do not block the entrance/exit at Dover Mrt.Want meet to go to class, please meet at the bridge or whatever.Something amusing is that, they always move together in classes or clusters.They blocked entrances/exits, toilets and the lifts.
So, listen to my advice.It's time to start thinking which lessons you want to skip.
A proud moment for all Yt-zens yesterday as they had finally been awarded autonomous status.Though, it doesn't affect me at all but it's a proud moment for my secondary school.
Labels: Over/Under?
9:56 PM
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I am starting to really really wonder why am i in this current course.The SP website contains a pack of lies and they tricked me into choosing this boring and stupid course.They made my course sound really really good.
Its all about buildings and i really wonder how many people are interested in this kind of stuffs.Once again, i must say its really really boring.Just on Friday, our lecturer brought us to the construction site beside T11A to do our tutorials! Can you believe that? Weilun and me simply ended up sitting at the staircase chatting.Unbelievably, some of my classmates looked so interested in it.

see i never bluff you
I really can't wait to get to the third year which i will definitely choose the Property Facilities Management option and that will spell the end of drawing stupid stuffs like doors and windows.People in the same course as me, please pity me after reading this and let me choose PFM.Don't snatch with me.Thank you very much.
Its the occasional jokes i have with friends and food in school that kept me going.I meant it.
I am sure life is going to be very very packed soon.I am not sure how it is going to work out for me but i had never done anything productive for probably my whole life.Now, i probably have a chance.Deep inside me, i know i hate to be busy.I like to have free time to relax at home so i am not really sure how it is going to be for me.I can only tell you, i have the chance now to do something i am interested in.Well, like the usual me, i will just take it step by step.No problem!
Finally, i really hope next week will be a better week.
Labels: RED
11:26 AM
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I officially did not sleep for the past 24 hours.I swear i am very very tired now.
Wednesdays are a bore and a pain.
Its like a feeling where everything starts all over again but this time, i am a little cautious.Let time do the talking. Labels: maybe you are not gone at all
11:45 PM
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hello everyone, this is my friend.He loves Batman.
I really hate school.In the past, once i get over Mondays and Tuesdays, i am fine and i can relax on Wednesdays to Fridays.After some latest news from my classmate,its confirmed now i am having long days from Monday to Friday.Do you know how depressing that is? That means i virtually have to squeeze in the MRTs with idiots 2 times a day for 7 weeks.Sometimes i really do not wish to brush my teeth in the morning and yawn at those idiots.
Modules had been unbelievably boring.They are furthermore, taught by boring lecturers.A boring person who teaches a boring module so you can imagine how boring it is.
For 9 weeks, i slept at around 7am for about 80% of the time and i wake up at only 3pm or 4pm.Right now, i got to go to school during that timing.I really need time to adapt.
The only thing i like about SP now.... is of course the FOOD! Everyday headache over what to eat but its a great headache.Probably the only motivation that keeps me going to school.
Labels: can i have a straight bus to school?
8:23 AM
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Let me start talking about yesterday.Slept for only an hour or so before taking a long bus ride to Bukit Timah to have japanese buffet lunch with my cousins at hanabi.

Just some pictures for show only.
Of course we ate until our limit.Yet another enjoyable outings with my cousins.It's going to be a long time before we gather again.1 will be like me having school while the other will be in Thailand serving national service.Hopes he gets me my Torres/Gerrard jersey.
As for today, went out with Felicia,Fangxin,Liqin,Junyu and Hiang Peng aka KM to have lunch.What did we have?? We had Suki Sushi lunch buffet! Ohmygod, it was yet another japanese buffet.Well well well, I rate this Suki Sushi higher than Sakae Sushi or rather its a total mismatch.For a difference of about $4, Suki Sushi offers a wider range of food and better quality of food.They had something in common though, they produced equally bad sushi

That's more or less a roundup of my activities before school starts tomorrow. After 9 weeks of long holidays, what's in store for this semester??!?!
Anyway, i think SMRT's system makes totally no sense to me.It all started when i wanted to buy my MRT concession which cost $45 for a month.I gave the staff $50 and told him i wanted to buy MRT concession.Instead he bought BUS concession for me which cost $50.He told me sorry and referred me to the ticket office.What i got there was that they could not refund my $50 and there's nothing they can do about it.I was given a feedback form and from the particulars i was about to fill in, i was sure that it's going to be troublesome.It was their staff who made a mistake yet i have to do all the running.
Secondly, it doesn't make sense when i wanted to buy my MRT concession again on the next day.I was told that i cannot buy BUS and MRT concessions on seperate occasions.So now, it meant i got to take MRT to school for the next month without concession.1 trip to Dover costs me $1.80 and a trip back costs another $1.80.That's $3.60 per day and for a month? Do the maths yourself because i don't even dare to count it.
Thirdly, it doesn't make sense when poly students continue to pay higher fares than students from JC and ITE.We don't differ much in age from them so what's the bloody difference? Thousands of students signed a petition and yet nothing is being done.Incredible
Finally, it doesn't make sense for bus fares to rise by 20cents and drop by 2cents.
I am absoutely bitter with SMRT.
6:40 AM
Thursday, April 16, 2009
So is this world really coming to an end? The reports on the Nibiru that's going to hit earth in 2012 and now, the tsunami warning that Singapore is going to be hit on July 22nd 2009.
If yes, why are we still studying... Why are we still cracking our brains on which course to go to, how to study well, choose which gems and so on and so on.How wonderful would it be if we can just spend "our remaining days" happily.Like everything is free of charge and we can just eat and play anything we want. Okay, end of wishful thinking.
1 thing for sure, holidays is coming to an end.It's been a long long break.9 weeks for me and i seriously wonder how am i going to survive.I am going to be super busy.School has a rather tight timetable and there's driving lessons.Do i have anymore time for other activities or can i even concentrate on my studies? Oh, first of all i must start sleeping at 2am.
3 days left and i am going to make sure i enjoy every single moment of it.
Labels: i know what i am doing
2:12 PM
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Went to watch the Campus Superstar 3 Final today at mediacorp.Attendance was Alvin,Brian,Kuanee,Qingwen,Xinghui,Lihui,Vernice and your's faithfully.There were so many many people and i was hoping to see some cute school girls but sadly, i saw none :(
Nevertheless,most of us had a mission and that was to go there and see how Ai Jia lose.Hates how she act cute and the way she wear socks but i got to admit her voice is pretty good.HAHAHA
In the end, yet another small boy won the competition.Wasn't impressed with anything much.
Just some random pictures i took secretly.

Headed for some Prata afterwards and we had a huge plate of FREE INDIAN ROJAK.Don't ask me why its free because i will probably end up in a police station.Kudos to our bravery in downing the indian rojak though.
Qingwen became the good and the bad guy after that.He bought a cake for our birthday boy Kianboon and in the meantime, he bought eggs.
Poor Kianboon.He bathed and we waited for him at his void deck.Once he came down, he saw us armed with eggs and he pleaded with us not to throw at him.The bad guy then started the party with an egg arrowed at him.The rest of us soon followed and Kianboon ended up in an eggy mess.He scolded some organs before heading back home to bath.

Headed to Qingwen's house to cut the cake and had our mahjong session after that.
Labels: 1 more week to enjoy
3:46 PM
Saturday, April 11, 2009
It's 7am now and i reached home around half an hour ago.It's been a long time since i last watched a movie.I guess probably the last movie i watched in the cinema was 3 or 4 months ago.Fortunately, the movie we caught was great in my opinion.

The Shinjuku Incident was another Jackie Chan's classic.Fighting scenes from him was certainly cut down in this show but nevertheless, i enjoyed the gangster scenes.I like the gang leader from Taiwan.He is cool! Go watch it and you will know. I will give a 3.5/5 for this show but i will give another 0.5 for their little bit of gore.So overall. 4/5 for this movie.

Headed for our usual mahjong session afterwards.Washing hands can change one's luck.You got to believe in this.
Days like this are coming to an end very very soon.
Labels: i just wanna enjoy the remaining days of the holidays
3:46 PM
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This one is for Man U fans.HAHAHAHHAHA
I don't understand the GEMS system.It's such an unfair system.It's simply making SP students look like aunties and uncles going to the market.I sacrificed my sleep but in the end i got nothing.
Next up, i would hope that my driving instructor would crash his car into a forest or whatever.He seriously pissed me off.
I got 2 tickets from Joselin FC( if you know who is Joselin) for this upcoming Campus Superstar Final.I am going to let it out for people who wants them because my friend have 8 tickets and we are going together.I am only letting out the 2 tickets to people who are REALLY FANS OF JOSELIN.hahahahha, so if you want, feel free to tag my board, doesnt matter who you are.
5:23 AM
Saturday, April 4, 2009

When i cannot scream for joy, i can only swallow it and tears indeed flow.What a moment! Breathtaking!
I just saw something that dampened my mood by at least half.I saw it, i really saw it.
How can i let 2 same scenarios happened to me? I was reading through my friendster testimonials the day before i guess and i sweared i missed those times.Sometimes, i truly wonder why am i so unlucky but you cannot argue its probably my own doing.
I tried to salvage something from the latter and i sweared i tried everything i could.However,you guessed it, i got nothing.Believe me in this, things happened for a reason.
I had never tried so hard in my life for something before and when i did, i was pegged back.
All i could do now is to learn from my mistakes and hope that this is a blessing in disguise.Life will move on.
Labels: i am sure, its the end but i promise everyone i will be a better Frederick
1:41 PM
Friday, April 3, 2009

HOHOHOHOHO, Happy Birthday Show Choo! Hope you sell more albums and be more popular!!
Labels: Luo Zhi Xiang fans please don't whack me
7:48 AM
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Its 4am now and i am looking through my friendster testimonials.It's been a long long while since i last went into friendster.
I must say i saw alot of interesting testimonials and had a great laugh.To those who have nothing to do in the middle night can try what i did! I realised i can really make people laugh in the past but i guess not as much now. :(
05/20/2006 12:00 pm
` frederickhaha . ue are da one who sang in da stage ytd widd kelly rite ? ahaha . ue sUper famous le lahh . hahah ! ie dunOe ue . haha ! ue dunOe me . haha ! lame . byebye !
See, for example, i found out Yahui know me on 20th May 2006.So its been almost 3 years since we knew each other.Rast time she talk ish beri cute horhhs? she dunch know me and ii dunch know eu!
02/03/2006 8:30 pm
Hi FREDERICK !!lol .. dunno what to write for u la .. JOKER .. stupid joker .. last time at library make mi and abiel luff den Mr Siau ask who luff .. idiot sia .. He is so cute .. cool man !! Very sociable .. His fattttty action make ppl laugh .. CONFIRM got luff one .. everytime write for u testi is say u joker la ..
See last time Xinghui spell laugh as luff.. Cute only.
Just curious about this..
I thought facebook was fun but i think in friendster, you really interact more with people.However, i think friendster should close down for good now. Just a simple activity in my blog.Just click to vote.Nobody including me will know who had voted so anyone who'd been to my blog can just vote!
Friendster or Facebook?
12:57 PM
Met up with Yianping JieJie, Ah Pau JieJie and Kuanee didi today.

Kuanee didi was so excited about Astons because he never ate it before.Eh,anyway,i ate pork chops and i sweared it was the best pork i ever eaten.Look at the marbling of the pork and there was a good constant of fats and meat.To me,it was simply great.
Headed to MOF for some super sweet desserts.

Anyway this pink strawberry dessert is the sweetest damn thing one can eat.I believe all of us had never eaten anything so sweet before.It's like melted milk sweet.
Okay,anyway i think the pictures that were taken by my friend were ugly.LOL
I am always very bored in the middle of the night.What's worst now is that i only sleep at 8am.Can anyone teach me what to do in the middle of the night?
Labels: you are so cute
8:06 AM