Sunday, May 31, 2009
I am very sad because apparently i was scammed into watching Robbie Fowler's arrival in Singapore.

He's Robbie Fowler and he's a living legend of Liverpool.We call him GOD.I was so disappointed to go home without watching him play.Singapore is truly good in scamming people.However i already got my Liverpool ticket and i hope it won't be a disaster like this because i would be so heartbroken.
If anyone saw the news, our health minister Khaw Boon Wan said that in 2 years time, 1 in 3 Singaporeans will get H1N1 flu.If you realised that means that you take you yourself and 2 of your best friends together and 1 of you will end up with the flu.If you are in a clique of 6, that means 2 of you will get the flu.Sounds rather scary but i read reports that this stupid flu is actually not fatal as its mortality rate is very low.Furthemore, if you include foreign talents, that will be probably 1 in 5 will get the flu so Don't Scared Okay?!?!?!
MST starts tomorrow for my case and i am 0% prepared for it.What to do? In the wrong course and i hate to study so i can only be happy-go-lucky and hope my lecturers can do me a favour.However, the start of tests simply means the holidays are coming!!
Labels: it's not me, it's not me :)
9:30 AM
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Take it as i am desperate or i am begging you, anyone who wants or have friends selling Liverpool tickets priced at $88 each for East Stand, please kindly tell me. Prices are slightly negotiable.Thank you.

I really really want to be part of the KOP
8:18 AM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I made a huge mistake.It's half greed half for fun and now i pay the price.Why did i ever let myself get into this situation again.I really don't know but i gurantee that this will be my last time.They say a habitual gambler will never change but i will just do it.I PROMISED FOR THE LAST TIME.
I tried but i could not.They say hating someone is difficult and yes it is.I don't know if i have the right or not but yes i hate you.
I am going need to stand up again.
Labels: i really hope someone could help me up
10:28 AM
Thursday, May 21, 2009
HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY JERMAINE!! I had to dig up my old blog just for your classic photos.Aren't you touched? HAHAHAHAHAHA.Your classic photos are indeed up here once again! I don't care and i just have to blog this.

Last time you very cute hor?

Guess you don't mind right? It just showed how much you've grown up.
finally, wishing you a happy happy happy birthday! You'd been a wonderful friend to me alright.Thanks for making time to go home together and i know you are busy with Wenyi,your basketball girls, your mother,your ah ma and your REAL brother.So despite being so so so busy,thanks for the effort to make sure we still meet up somehow.I know you like to worry about many things for nothing so wish you will stop worrying about this and that like an old woman and hope your GPA will be 4.0!
I actually wanted to scold my classmates in this post today but i decided to postpone it.I am waiting for them to irritate me further.hahahha!
Tomorrow got to go school and fight with lecturer.Sigh....
Labels: The weather is strange..
5:21 AM
Monday, May 18, 2009

Watched The Ramen Girl recently and i only can say the ramen looks very nice! hahahah, Brittany Murphy sometimes look good and sometimes she don't so i think the movie was nice sometimes and bad sometimes.Overall, a rather funny movie without any spectacular surprises.
Suddenly i feel that life is very boring.I need new things to brighten and freshen up my life.I shall look for that thrill that's been eluding me.
Next, i've noticed that my blog readers had shot up considerably after my controversial post about the "don't want to be yourself" or whatever you call it issue.It's dangerous because i do not know where my readers come from but i do know it's being spread around by people.Its always going to be a controversial issue that will have many people disagreeing and agreeing with me.I wrote it, i posted it, i expected it.I did not think i am wrong or i went overboard.People who read and felt a sting probably cannot take the facts that i wrote.These people took my facts and it became a kind of criticism to them.Once again, i stand by my point.No matter who, no matter whether is it Leslie and Calvin aka or whoever it is, mark my words, THERE WILL BE NO HAPPY ENDING.I don't understand why is there ever for a need for such an issue.I only know as long as you chose this path, the ones you hurt are the dearest to you.
If anyone can be inspired by what i wrote and change him/herself, i think i would have achived my agenda.
If any of you are not happy with what i wrote,you can simply tag me by passerby or whatever.I will gladly oblige.
Labels: i don't understand
10:45 AM
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I may seemed very relaxed and problem free to everyone but i just realised how fast i walk.It just shows the pace of life.
Anyway to reinforce whatever i said in my previous posts was not against ANYONE, let me show you guys something. think its extremely hilarious but on the other hand, i stand by my point.WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE THINKING?
On the other hand, i've been thinking gambling might not be so bad after all.I have plenty of knowledge for soccer and some for basketball and recently i had been doing plenty of research for F1.I might sound i am trying to act pro here but i am not.I am just trying to say, i realised gambling had made me boost my knowledge! It's great to know the strategies they adapt.It shows the beauty of the sport.I also realised, as long as i control the amount i bet, i can see money.I am treating gambling as a leisure now. =)
12:25 PM
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I think this is funny.POH YAHUI please take a look.Yahui is actually a worker in my restaurant in facebook and there she is, totally exhausted. For Jessica, i hired you because i am afraid Yingpei have no friends and there she is cleaning the floor! Okay, this is are all abit lame.
Had a so called ICA for a module today.Had a hell of a good time because the whole thing was like so funny.We have to find a partner each and discuss about 2 articles with the lecturer and there's 1 part that goes like this..
Weilun(my partner): I think i agree on what the article said, smoking should be banned.
Priscilla Tan(my lecturer): Who you think you are? You say ban then ban?
Both of us went LOLLLLLL. Its like a serious situation and suddenly this kind of "absurd" question came out.Anyway, its no easy test but i think we took it well enough.My lecturer's job was like to make us tongue tied.
On a heavier note, 1 of my lecturer's husband and 1 of my classmate's father had passed away.Life is fragile and just imagine their pain of losing their loved ones so suddenly.RIP
Anyway today i came across a saying, "You won't think it's you unless it's you."
Labels: when i said 10, you said 1
8:06 AM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
It's been a long time since i had been so fiery. I virtually exploded today. Why? Because of fucking starhub.
- it caused me to fucking went home while playing ball
- it caused me to fucking miss my dinner with my friends
- it caused me to fucking buy home a packet of rice like a dog and watched my friends go for their seemingly fun dinner
- it caused me to fucking scold my father upside down
- it caused me to try and repair the fucking internet for about 6 hours and which i only successfully repaired 50%
- it caused me to shout like a mad person at home
- it caused me to kick and slam almost every single fucking thing that i come across
- finally, it caused me to have chest pains
I expect them to call me tomorrow and they better not put me through with a foreign talent because i will fucking screw him upside down on the phone.
Secondly, i truly hate a group of people who joins a fucking "thing" which i shall not mention.Albeit a few friends and relative, i really hope this group of people get some misfortune towards some parts of their life.Look at people as if they looking at dogs, fucking hell.When you have a proper shirt to wear, please wear it properly instead of wearing shirts with some fucking holes.If you guys think you know what i am talking about and you want to screw me up, please do so at my tagboard and i will gladly oblige.I am not talking about gangs or whatever for your information
Thirdly, i got no idea why some people don't want to be themselves.Your parents gave birth to you hoping that you will grow up being a normal person but some of the people can't even fucking fulfill this.It's a shame isin't it? If you are a guy, be a proper horny guy, if you are a girl, be a proper pretty girl.What's so fucking difficult about it? If you can't even do this, who's the most disappointed? I guess you know it, its your parents.I am blogging this with the fact that i don't understand such people so "such people" please don't tell me i don't understand all this and i shouldn't be blogging this. My lecturer told me the difference between SEX and GENDER.SEX is what sexual organs you have and GENDER is your social identity.Got it? Some of you reading this might get sensitive but ask yourself deep inside your screwed mind, IS FREDERICK RIGHT? I know i have friends who support this. Please fucking tag my board and show your support Xinghui.
Finally, i am going to sleep now to fucking end my horrible,miserable and fiery day.
10:12 AM
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Just a little piece of interesting news over here...

In case you do not know what it is talking about, this newspaper article showed that Mas Selamat was actually openly selling burgers in Malaysia during his escape!
He was arrested in Skudai, 25km away from the Causeway and there he was, selling your famous pasar malam favourite Ramly Burger.
What an amazing man he is i must say.At 48yrs of age and walking with a limp, he actually did a prison break, created his own improvised float ,swam across the causeway, hid in somewhere so near Singapore and becoming an entrepeaneur.Just imagine you went to Skudai and saw Ramly Burger and Mas Selamat asked you, "Chilli and BBQ sauce?"
He's a very very intelligent man but its a pity, he used it in the wrong way.I still have no idea why are there still terrorists in this already dying world.
Labels: i keep thinking of ....
1:14 PM
Thursday, May 7, 2009

I had been a very lazy and naughty boy/man recently.I'd skipped school for the past 2 days but i think it's okay... Since i only missed 4 lessons in total.I definitely planned to go to school today till i saw my friends.
Off we went for some L4D action! Today's one was fun i got to say.This quartet of us shouted like crazy and kept on screaming vulgarities like nobody's business.Great way to release stress if have any.
Don't worry, i will go to school tomorrow.
Labels: 今天谁是我的爱人? LOL
7:39 AM
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The noodles stall beside Yoshinoya at Basement 2 Northpoint, sells wonderful Bak Chor Mee.Abit steep with a price of $4.30 but i think most people will like it.
Labels: i cannot describe how i felt at that time
9:24 AM
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Guess what i had for dinner? It's..... SUBWAY! AGAIN.

Met up with Wanling finally like after so long.Went to have Subway with 1 hand Xinghui.Hope to meet up often and hopefully with J as well!
School again tomorrow.It's always boring to start off Mondays with Soh Chee Meng.Nothing personal against him but to see him, you know you are in for an uneventful time.
6:33 AM
Friday, May 1, 2009
Believe it or not, i ate Subway 3 times in 2 days! I am going for the 1 foot long myself really soon!
Just look back to a few years ago and think about now.How much EVERYONE of us had changed.The things we do, the things we like,the things we think about,the things we want and the things we achieve.
Labels: i simply cannot understand
12:13 PM