Saturday, June 27, 2009
A problem with the way we grow is that as we grow older, we become less innocent.Probably a lack of stability in our life is the cause.We used to wake up at 6 in the morning to rush to school and now we have the luxury of sleeping till 1pm before making a trip to school.You can do whatever to your hair and wear whatever to school nowadays.If we don't like it, we can even skip school.Probably such habits caused indiscipline in our lives and thus, we lose our innocence.Just take a look at your picture probably 2 or 3 years back and compared it to now.You should get what i mean.

whenever we have a free night after school, we would enjoy basketball.Now? It will be a miracle if we play basketball twice every fortnight.

get what i mean?

Err... i didn't mean to do this....

See how guai Lihui looked in the past and look at Kianboon's curious and cute face.

The things we do during breaks to entertain ourselves

The forever innocent habit of sleeping in class

Eh i don't mean to act cool but i think this show innocence!
I've came a long way after secondary school life but come on, for those who have a happy secondary life, who doesn't want to go back? I rather let the teachers chase me everyday for homework, i rather not wear ear studs to school and i rather wear that set of uniform that represents something.Sounds unreal but its true after you know you won't ever get the chance to follow a set of rules.Who cares about you in poly? NOBODY! After too much time in the wilderness, you will surely want to return to somewhere secure.
Sadded to see so many familiar teachers leaving my secondary school and that simply means, the next time i go back there, it will become a more remote place.
Age keeps getting up with us and i can't believe it but it's a fact that i am hitting my twenties in 8 months time.With that, automatically pressure will mount.I simply hate to grow up but i know i can't stop it.
Labels: girls with tied hair looks so much simple
11:48 AM
Friday, June 26, 2009

Had some potato farmland action today! Don't know why somebody said eating potato farmland was a funny thing! Anyway Jermaine met me and Xinghui up to have some gan dang action.Jermaine had the swiss mushroom fries,Xh had the pizza napleona fries and i had the satay fries.I think the satay fries taste the best and i love the fries there! Good enough to make me go back there.
Everyday bluff people nowadays but it is so fun and i am having lots of laugh online everyday...
Sad thing is, school is reopening in less than 48 hours and that's a very sad thing to blog about.
The truth is, his death slowed the entire internet down today.
I had a friend who saw my this photo of mine...

and she drew this....

and she said this emoticon looked like me! ??!?!?!?!?
Labels: You are not alone
11:01 AM
Thursday, June 25, 2009
My friend asked me help her friend's friend's friend or is it her own friend to promote a blogshop.I also quite confused but its okay....
So any girls girls who hopped past my blog and are looking for a blogshop to buy sexy dresses or sexy clothings, please don't hesitate to press rarely help to promote or whatever so make sure you press the link okay! Byebye!
Oh yes, i forgot to mention when i went to buy a Tiramisu cake today, i scolded the auntie there.It was such a funny scene and my friends and I could not stop laughing.Okay, that's it really.Bye
6:42 AM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Labels: when i still think about you
9:51 AM
Sunday, June 21, 2009
God Is Unfair, The World Itself Is Unfair
As the title suggest, this post is going to be a serious one.
It's hard to swallow the fact that the bad guys always get the accolades.Who says honesty is a good policy? Let me tell you, honesty will get you nowhere.
Let's say you found a wallet with $1000 inside.You return it to the owner and you get nothing but if you keep the $1000 and throw away the wallet, you get $1000 in your bank account.Don't tell me stories like "how will you feel if you lose your wallet?" The question is, can you gurantee the person who found your wallet will return it to you? Will the person care how you feel? No! So why be honest?
We all lie but most importantly is why do we lie? We lie for almost every reasons.Sometimes we get away with it and sometimes we do not.I just realised people who lie achieved alot more in life.They are so called the bad guys and i just can't comprehend what makes them so great.However, for them to be successful, gullible people must be around.They are great because you are gullible.
It makes me furious when i think about it.Why did I decided to come clean in the past? Why did i decided somehow to be honest? Why did i not pretend and just see what will happen.I could be great in the end.I seriously don't know how some liars can even sleep in the night.It's a myth to me.However,i came to realised this world is like that.It's cruel to be short.
As always in tv shows, bad guys will never have good endings and in the end, they have to pay the price for what they did and what they lie.Those who are smart will calculate what will happen and try to find an escape route for themselves but those who are dumb, they will calculate what will happen to them and the only reason they are not panicking is because they refuse to face reality.
In this dog eat dog world, money talks the loudest and that's why they are the root of evil.Money alone can make you lose everything if you don't have it.You kill, you rob, you fraud,you con,you steal,you molest and you rape.Why molest and rape? Because you have no money to go Geylang.All because of money but without it, you cannot survive.When you talk about money, you cannot trust anyone because everyone WANTS TO SURVIVE.
God is unfair because the bad people always get what they don't deserve.However, bear in your mind, you won't have a good ending.It may seemed fair this way but i just happen not to see the bad endings.
I have alot more to talk about but i guess that's enough for today.Thank you if you finished reading this post and i will appreciate if you could leave some comments even as passerby or whatever.
This sums up the mood :
Jrmne. says:
XINGHUI: The stars says:
Frederick - God Is Unfair, The World Itself Is Unfair says:
Labels: when my heart turned into a stone
12:29 PM
Saturday, June 20, 2009
It had been an action packed, fun filled and stomach filled few days.First let me talk a little bit on the Japanese buffet outing i had with my cousin.
We went to Nihon Mura at Cathay and we were absoutely disappointed.The waiter there did not even know what is in the menu and he had to make a guess if the particular food was fried or grilled.Fortunately for him, he got it right somehow.The food there served was very slow and cold.It was my first time there and i am sure it will be the last.
The next day, i armed my stomach for some dim sum action with Xinghui,Jermaine and Wanling.

I don't know why when it comes to food, there will be me inside.
The most basic dim sum items failed in my opinion.The siew mai, har gow,char siew pau and carrot cake all did not make the grade.Instead it was the congee and desserts that impressed me.However, when i am having my dessert, i was already half dead.We ate like 30 prawns each and that will be like 120 prawns consumed by us.Let's say each day they served 500 customers and that's like approx 6000 prawns have to die each day.It was funny however because i love how Wanling always got tricked by us.
1.Xinghui told Wanling that he can't eat hargow because his c*ck will itch and Wanling replied "THEN YOU STILL EAT?!"
2.Jermaine told Wanling that poly education is standard 4 years and Wanling totally believe
3.I told Wanling i bought a car already and she said " wow so cool, Wednesday drive me to school!"
Yingpei joined us for some bowling actions afterwards and she was talented.She scored a strike with her first ever attempt in bowling and she remained calm after her achievement.I joined up the next game and i proved i was even more talented! Anyway, i think bowling is fun! HEE HEE HEE

these are my friends playing lor. No idea why no more jermaine.
That's all for now. I am scared and worried!
Labels: it have to come to an end but HOW?
11:01 AM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Everybody please clap because the foreign talent invasion had been taken into a whole new level.
Movie star Jet Li had bought a property in Singapore here for approx $20m and he had followed the footsteps of Gong Li and took up Singapore Citizenship.So right now, please clap because we have 2 brilliant Singaporeans!! I really wonder if they even know who is Lee Kuan Yew.
Not sure if the recession was a good or bad thing.Near my house market, there's 2 shops that offers $2 haircut and there's a $1.80 chicken rice stall.Earlier on, my mother told me that durians are going for 20 cents each.So with $4 now, you can get a haircut, chicken rice and a durian.
Japanese buffet tomorrow
Dim Sum buffet(pending) the day after
6:44 AM
Sunday, June 14, 2009
super relieved and happy that i finally completed my 2 days job.I think that's it, i will finally clear my debts after this.
There was this noisy event happening at Yishun called the "crackers" or whatever.Walked home with Xinghui just now and i swear the fireworks was damn bloody noisy.I was eating char siew pau and i treated him to 1.We just walked past people engrossed with the fireworks with the CSP.I then treated Xinghui to a 2nd CSP and he got so excited that he threw the CSP onto the ground.2 indians near us laugh.Stupid, laugh what laugh, never see people eat CSP before meh? We continued walking and we kept shouting like crazy but the fireworks was so damn bloody noisy that nobody could hear us.Xinghui even shouted who he like but nobody could hear except for me.HEE HEE HEE
finally, the last and final day of Xinghui Loves Who? Series.
XINGHUI: tiong heng fucking noisy says:
i carry on sacrificing
loving her without letting her noe
as long as she is happy den it's fine
SO WEI DA.Who's the fortunate/unfortunate girl?
9:38 AM
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Today went to work 7am to 7pm at Changi using Microsoft Excel.Another day tomorrow! Definitely tiring but its not that boring after all! It's worth it for the money!
day 5 of Xinghui Love Who? Series
XINGHUI: tiong heng fucking noisy says:
all i do is looking at her nick and feel happy because it felt as it i am looking at her
This guy romantic sioal!but he fell in love with Jane at work today.
I just realised that both my blogs were tagged by a passerby who branded me an asshole.
to the passerby who tagged my blog and branded me a bloody asshole: I know where you came from.You hit my blog from a person who linked my old blog and i know where you came from exactly.It's apparent that you don't know me well enough that i have a new blog or you wanted to let exactly everyone who reaches my blog to know i am a bloody asshole.You sure must be unhappy over the things i said or the things you thought i did.You sure hate me but as far as i am concern, you will soon be reading this post.I know you will be back to read my blog.I just want to let you know that whatever i said was nothing wrong and i don't give a damn about what other people think and that definitely includes you.If you think i did some things that was not right, i can tell you i did nothing of this sort.I hope passerby will come back and scold me.
6:57 AM
Friday, June 12, 2009

Today after i woke up, this person in the picture called me and said she's very very hungry and she wants to eat Sakae Sushi.I said HUH?! and she went PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! She really loves Sakae Sushi.
Xinghui joined us awhile later and i think Chin Wanling got a problem with her tongue and what she eats.She ordered a raw salmon sushi and when it came, she said EEEEEE!!.She ate it with a piece of what she called "inion."It should be onion but that piece of thing wasn't an "inion" or onion, it was a ginger.Funny? She said she like "WasHabi" too.When we ordered chawanmushi, she ordered the unagi version of chawanmushi and she said it was smelly.She's mad
We saw one thing in her bag and conclude she's really mad.
Sorry to keep those interested waiting but here's Day 4 of Xinghui Love Who? Series.
XINGHUI: I fucking angry now!! says:
i dun care leh
she want noe she noe my true self la
Love him for who he is okay?
4:00 AM
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Breaking News: Real Madrid had a 80m pounds, US$130m, S$190m bid accepted for cheater Cristiano Ronaldo.With that, Manchester Utd had lost half of their entire wannabe fans base.
Guess what? It's Day 3 of the Xinghui Loves Who? Series
XINGHUI: I fucking angry now!! says:
i will cherish every moment i swear!!!!!!!!
Girl, he seems serious about you.
4:54 AM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Part 2 of Xinghui Love Who? Series.
XINGHUI: I fucking angry now!! says:
i believe in fate
He believes in fate, do you?
3:50 AM
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

you all honestly tell me, i last time cool or not?
XINGHUI: I love holidays says:
daiji la cb
i hate jermaine
jermaine you GG
Frederick- my legs felt as if they were broken says:
jermaine ask me why u never go poly find girls
XINGHUI: I love holidays says:
poly girls all act cute la
XINGHUI: I love holidays says:
cos my heart only got 1 girl
WHO SIA WHO SIA??!?!?! Anybody got any idea??
Labels: day 1 of the Xinghui Love Series starts now
8:25 AM
Monday, June 8, 2009
I just found out last night that i am actually a smart person. I am also convinced that i will be a wealthy man in the future.
If you'd watched the news, 2010 is going to be a year with long holidays.At least 7 public holidays would fall on a Monday or a Friday and that means we will have a long weekend.How great is that?
Recently went out for a CCA outing and for those who still have no idea, my CCA is Food Club! LOL.I think their organisation is still kind of poorly sorted out but well, the CCA is barely a year old.I would look forward for more of such outings and i think i am going for a try to be a commitee member.HAHAHAHA
This holidays had just started out fine for me and i hope it continues that way!
Labels: never left my heart, probably
10:13 AM
Friday, June 5, 2009

Too bad, it's not mine.What a man this is, i just realised passion can drive a man's life onwards so much.Liverpool is not just a simple football club, it's a passion!
It's surreal but yes, MST is over.Out of 5 papers i took, i honestly only have serious chances of clearing 2.Cruel but true.This is the result of entering the wrong course and the sickness to study.

Just take a look at what this little MST had done to my classmates.I will just show you this picture.They looked very stress right? This picture was taken 15minutes after the lecturer dismissed the class.I had a hard time to ask them move their butts for lunch for the past 3 weeks because they simply cannot leave their pens alone.The girl in green which you see in the picture actually woke up at 5am to look at her notes! Finally, she can sleep well after today.
I am just going to enjoy this 3 weeks like crazy.Activities are already up and running for the next 3 days and i cannot wait! Starting from tonight- the beo beo of jigens.
Labels: it's still sour in my heart
2:46 AM
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

1kg fries plus don't know how big burger

don't know how many litres of coke

finally, 2 extra big size mashed potato.No wonder, he's not smiling anymore
Who want go Taiwan complete this challenge jio me okay? Anyone who can complete the meal like the guy up there will get US$300 but i think it's not even enough to pay for his coffin.
I had totally gave up on my MST.Best of luck
Labels: 100 moments that shook the KOP
8:55 AM
Monday, June 1, 2009

I hope its going to be an unbelievable and unforgettable night. We are going to show that Liverpool fans all around the world are the best.
Thanks for all for making this happen.
Labels: I cannot wait for the day to come
3:58 AM