Friday, July 31, 2009
It was a well and truly bad week.
It was just an ordinary look for about 10 seconds but i could feel something was not right.I am the villain.Yes, i was and i don't know why but this set my mind racing back.It was totally something with no link.
I was dazed inside the train, thinking about the times i was happy but on the other hand, worried.For a full 40mins, my mind was occupied by the same thing.Coupled with usual emotional songs i was listening to, couldn't help but felt a little sad.
Life is going to be hectic very soon.The Liverpool day was a one off but i am not feeling good for every single other day.I just wish i can quickly clear my exams, my driving and my ITP.
Something is just missing very much from my life and i need it back.
9:13 AM
Sunday, July 26, 2009
If you know me well, you guessed it and you are right. I am back from the Liverpool game and let the pictures do the talking first.

Just before the game started,we were all singing the You'll Never Walk Alone song and this classic flag which i thought can only be found at Liverpool itself was up.

Match started.

Just look at the crowd, you would think that was NDP right?

Finally the end of the game.

This is the cruel truth that reflects on the gulf between European soccer and South East Asia's standard.

The Liverpool players thanking the fans
With that, it was the end of a truly amazing day.I am sad now because i know it would be years again before i can see them.The ticket was worth every single cent of the $88 and i thought it's worth $880! The Liverpool fans here were trying to recreate the atmosphere at Anfield which was impossible but i thought they were half the standard there.
I always watch on youtube and tv about the fans singing You'll Never Walk Alone and it was already giving me goosebumps but today, i finally sang it myself with my fellow fans and the feeling was simply out of the world.
Today have to go down as one of the best moments of my life.I would not exchange anything for today.
Liverpool will be flying back home now and i know my heart will still be with them.
With this, i will end my 3 days blogging special about Liverpool and me.
Labels: 26/7/2009, a day that lives in my heart
9:05 AM
Saturday, July 25, 2009

I will find sleeping a difficulty tonight. I cannot wait. It will be the first time i am seeing my idols playing in flesh after about a decade of die hard support. It will be a dream come true and i know the atmosphere will be fantastic.
You'll Never Walk Alone
10:10 AM
Friday, July 24, 2009
Liverpool had arrived in Singapore! I knew i had to be there so i skipped GEMS to make it to Vivo hoping to catch Xabi Alonso and co.Stood there till my legs were almost broken.However the atmosphere was simply great.No Xabi Alonso in the end but there were still 4 other stars who were Albert Riera, Emiliano Insua,Martin Kelly and Dirk Kuyt.

Labels: 2 more days
2:51 AM
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Got see before China gangster?


Or this one more cool?
Labels: 3 more days
9:31 AM
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Finally went to have 18 chefs today and i thought it was very good! Definitely better than the stupid Long John's Silver.However, remember to be polite while you are at 18 chefs or else i don't know what will happen to you.
Thanks to Wanling, Kianboon and me went to watch Kobe Bryant in Singapore! I think the atmosphere was electrifying but i think i saw the ugly side of Singaporeans.Yes yes, it's okay to feel excited but the things we do are sometimes truly and honestly shameful.

here's Wanling studying away inside the MRT.She's CRAZY

Can't really take a proper Kobe Bryant photo as there were too many crazy people infront of us.However one thing for sure is that Kobe is really cool!
Up next, The Reds!
8:25 AM
Saturday, July 18, 2009

This weekend's dinner was at Taste of Thailand.An abrupt change of plans distrupted our actual destination.However, still an above average meal especially with the people around you.Simply love the weekly dinner and i don't feel anyone is missing.Is anybody missing? Please tag my board and tell me.
Headed to starbucks and chilled after that and listened to Yuyang the millionaire talking about his newly found hobby- bodybuilding.
Oh, i flew a plane today and i like the feeling.
I am deeply upset about the rumour that Mr Liverpool, Steven Gerrard might not make the trip to Singapore next week.It's a dream come true to see him and this is truly a disturbing news.Why does plans keep getting scuppered? I hate this feeling now.
Labels: don't blame anyone when you are the one who sucks
9:52 AM
Friday, July 17, 2009


huh... I never kua you leh...

choco and me

Wah... Chio leh....


My mum bought home a whole cookies and cream cheesecake back today and its only $18.
10:32 AM
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bakerzin's amazing 60% discount for cheesecakes are simply too tempting.$3 for a slice of top class cheesecake?! Brilliant! Go grab it! It's till end of July.
It's been a truly devastating day.I had so much running in my mind but like what ____ said, FACE IT!! It was more like a motivating wake up call but it was harsh.Furthermore, i have to listen to the bad bad news.Seriously, the only thing i can do is to face it and only me myself can make a difference.
However, researched about pigs and i had so many interesting and funny answers! I learnt about 2 interesting facts or beliefs about pigs today.
"Pigs run faster than sheeps"
"Pigs love to chase after butterflies"
-quoted by the "carpark lover"
Labels: 10 more days to a truly amazing day
8:04 AM
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Too little of anything is no good
Too little of money? You will keep on borrowing money and lose friends
Too little hair? People will call you " EH BOTAK!"
Too little entertainment? You will become a geek/nerd and you will have no friends!
Too little sperms? You no baby after 40 years old.
Too little food? You become gam chek
Too little achievements? Become disillusioned with life, lack of confidence
Too little is 2 words that will wreck your life.
Saw something interesting in the news.The amount of mineral water consumed by Singaporeans each year is equivalent to 400 4 room flats.Quite a figure.
Watched documentary earlier on and i was impressed by Pablo Escobar.Once the most feared man in the world.He's a big bad man but if you are interested, do wiki him.I love smart crooks.
Labels: don't wear such a big hat if you do not have such a big head
8:00 AM
Monday, July 13, 2009
uToo much of anything is no good.
Too much money? You will die earlier because you booze non stop and someday you will get aids.
Too much hair? You will look like a gorilla
Too much entertainment? You get detached from the real world
Too much sperms? You dirty your bed and maybe your wife will give birth to 11 babies causing you to go bankruput
Too much food? Your stomach will explode
Too much achievements? You will have no friends left
Too much is 2 dangerous words that will wreck your life.
I love to argue so is there a diploma or any recognition in arguments? I simply love to disagree with people.
Anyway, to add on further, i must say i really hate girls that are stupid and noisy.No offence though but some are truly irritating.It's okay to scream your head off once in a while but please don't show a guy you are stupid AND noisy.It truly pisses me off.
Moreover, its because there's such people and that's why foreign talents are dominating Singapore.Talking about foreign talents, i am excited! HEE HEE HEE
Labels: nice wrecking your own life dude.
9:26 AM
Sunday, July 12, 2009

A nice dinner.The jam on the bread was kaya and i felt as if they applied a whole bottle of kaya onto the bread.The sweetness was definitely overpowering.Had a nice time.
Once again,i have to emphasize secondary school mates are still the best.
Labels: do you know why?
8:45 AM
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I just teared.. Not because i am sad but because i am TOO BORED! Now i know why there is something called bored to tears.I kept yawning and yawning and finally tears rolled down.
I got no idea how school can make one tire so easily.Furthermore, i am not one who constantly complete my homework or rush for projects.I slept from 3pm to 7pm after school today and i am still very tired.Maybe i am losing everything in my mind.I simply do not have the energy to continue studying and doing something i simply do not have interest in.
SP had been spamming me with been warning letters and i feel, it's a near possiblility now that i will get a warning letter for every module.The only reason i am still aiming for D is that i don't want to let my parents and the school fees down.Sometimes the stress in my mind is unbearable but like what i said, i am naturally cheerful.
I just don't feel comfortable these days and i need a new thing to be excited about.Be it a girl, a game, an interest, sudden boost of cash, an activity or something.I am really tired in my mind i guess.
Labels: there's a limit on how much one can take
7:54 AM
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Look at the size of the pizzas.There were only 4 of us and yes, we ended up full to the brim.It was definitely a feast.Xinghui seems to know pizza hut very well.
I am not going to blog too much because i just feel something simply is not right.
9:20 AM
Friday, July 3, 2009

People say Michael Jackson have returned over the skies in America.Errr, i am not sure about that because this is the picture where people say they can see Michael Jackson's face.I stared at it for probably 2 minutes and all i can see is clouds.So anyone who can see Michael there, please enlighten me.
Anyway, i just find that we are living in a sad world.I had a craving for Ramly burger and today i went to get one.What a disappointing and devastating result it was.Firstly, the cost went up from $2.50 to $3.With that, you can easily fill your stomach with something better in a coffeeshop.Secondly, after i took the first bite, i did not wish to have another bite.It was mediocre.
Something that made me happier is the fruit juices in foodcourt 3.The avocado juice there is heavenly and i wouldn't swap it for any other drinks in the world.If you have not try it before, please do so because its that damn good.They now offer the option of upsizing your drink for 50 cents more and i did that with banana milk.I swear that could replace my lunch.
So much so for food.I was late for school today because i stayed up late last night.I realised what a sad life i have actually.God is fair to me in this case.God blessed me with a personality that perfectly overcomes this sad life of mine.As long as i meet people, i will crack jokes and i will forget my worries at least temporarily.If others was me, i believed they would have cracked in my situation.Nobody understands or know what am i in.For this, i think i am an amazing person.
Labels: what does that mean?
3:48 AM