Sunday, August 30, 2009
Be honest with yourself, sometimes don't you wish that you never grow up?
Whatever mistakes you made, everybody will forgive you believing you are young and ignorant.You do not need to work and suffer and you do not need to face the pressure of the current society. You do not have much responsibilities and you get by everyday in a simple way.
I wished i was never 18, i wished i cannot learn driving, i wished i cannot step into SingaporePools, i wished i cannot buy tobacco and i wished i cannot i get into a Polytechnic.I wished i did not have so much responsibility and i wished i do not have so much pressure.
It saddens me very much. A call that lasted for about a minute by someone made such a huge impact on me today. I could say nothing except answering his questions. What can i say to someone who do not know what is going on? All i can blame is myself. Once again, i felt the bite of the pain. You know when someone of his age remembers me so well, it's a kind of fate.Hopefully when he grows up, he will still remember me. For now, i cannot say much to him but i really do hope that one day, i can enjoy his company again.
Happy moments don't last and they will only stay as a memory but sad moments affect you for a long time.
"The worst is to have no target. Imagine you get up in the morning and you do nothing. You enjoy one minute. Then there is another minute. But what do you do next? Can you dedicate your whole life to this? Somewhere within us is the desire to feel that we are useful and that we have some quality." Arsene Wenger
sorry for the wall of text.
Labels: What's my target in life?
12:21 PM
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Today is our first ever class gathering can you believe it? HAHA.
However, most importantly, i really enjoyed myself! I just loved to scold my classmates upside down. It's been a long time since i felt so happy.

According to Ebon Koh Shini, this place is called Sukae Sushi. Alright, the Sukae Sushi here sucks. The chef don't even make sushi and they take a long time to acknowledge our orders and it's very very very warm here.

Let me try and introduce some of my classmates to you guys alright?

This is Shini aka Ebon.Ebon is her name but i don't understand why she doesn't want to use it. Remember what i said about Ebon? She is similar to Sister, they always like to act chio but Ebon is a good friend.Ebon heard that i need a certain tutorial urgently, she is run home and send to me.In the process, she almost got knock down by a car! Good right Ebon? Ebon rocks!!

This is DNB! I don't want spell out if not i am very bad. DNB is very powerful because she can make people cannot breathe.

Finally, this is sister! She damn chio right? Told you she's chio.She's the most chio in my class and arguably my course! Ehhh... I think WHOLE SP! You see today she is dressed herself up as a nurse.Sibei chio hor? She so poor thing, she tried to be a magician and try to swallow a penknife but before she swallow, she was so stupid that she cut her hand with the penknife.Then, she ping ming de cry, ping ming de cry! Luckily cut hand only, she still sibei chio ah!
for my classmates who read my blog, please go to my old blog and read April 06 and 08 2008 posts. HAHAHA! Sorry guys, i did not mean what i said at that time.
okay okay, so much so for my class.So my holidays have virtually arrived. I have not completed my exams but i have a 8 days break and this 8 days is my only holidays for 6 months can you believe it? No choice but to get on with life.
10:29 AM
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My supper.
Exams had been rubbish so far. The only paper i knew, i got to screw it up as well. However, i am not one who brood over exams and i am not qualified to do so.
ITP results are out and i am posted to Institute Of Bioengineering & Nanotechnology.All my other classmates had been posted to construction companies and i have no idea what bioengineering got to do with me or my course.However, i will gladly take it! Only problem is that, i think i will have a hard time finding the company.
Anyway, just a gentle reminder. This month is a very sensitive month and please note what you are doing. Beware not to just spit anywhere or step on anything.Do not pick up whatever that's not yours. Do not go swimming and many many more. If you don't adhere the rules, don't blame anyone if you see..

Labels: Every girl thinks that they are pretty somehow but they just won't admit it
5:03 AM
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A Chinese man walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. He tells the loan officer that he is going to China on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer tells him that the bank will need some form of security for the loan, so the Chinese man hands over the keys to a new Ferrari parked on the street in front of the bank. He produces the title and everything checks out.
The Loan officer agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank's president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the Chinese for using a $250,000 Ferrari as collateral against a $5,000 loan. An employee of the bank then drives the Ferrari into the bank's underground garage and parks it there.
Two weeks later, the Chinese reurns, repays the $5,000 and the interest, which comes to $15.41.
The loan officer says, 'Sir, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multi-millionaire. What puzzles us is why you would bother to borrow $5,000?
The Chinese replies: 'Where else in New York City can I park my car for two weeks for only $15.41 and expect it to be there safely when I return.'
9:48 AM
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Why do i always need to contemplate the worst whenever i am doing a test/exam? Have anyone of you been so tired of life like me? Played some basketball earlier on and i felt so good. It's been a long time since i felt this way.Why does so many heart wrenching stuffs want to approach me? I am sure i am not stupid but i just do not know why i always need 1 more chance.

This girl in dress is Shini.Today i blogged about her because i want scold her.She today is go eat Seoul Garden with 2 of her friends then got 1 boy boy think she chio want take number from her but Shini told him, "Sorry, not convenient ah" I hear already is very angry.She like that say means she act chio.Shini you think you wear dress you chio ah? Sister wear dress more chio okay! Sister act chio doesn't mean you must act chio and break the boy boy heart right? Sister most chio in class you must be 2nd most chio in class also is it?! Go reflect reflect okay?! You think if now you is the boy boy, then you think this girl very chio and want to make friends with her then this girl who act chio tell you "Sorry, not convenient ah" How will you feel? Act yi ge not convenient. You think you convenience stall is it? I Thursday see you is confirm give you 1 slap.
Labels: Xinghui is a coneman
7:33 AM
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Today, i crumbled under pressure.It was really a stressful moment and with so many things in my mind, stress got the better of me.However i will not allow this to be an excuse.The fact is that i am not good enough for the time being and i will try again.
I really hate growing up.In my case, my pressure is so intense sometimes that i just stop bothering what's happening around me.I am starting to feel paranoid of the things around me.You guys may think since i don't care about my studies, i am not stressful at all but look, it's because i don't really care about my studies and on the other hand, i cannot afford to fail my studies.That is why i am feeling the heat.
Even the closest people around me do not know what is happening to me at home.Sometimes, i am close to a total breakdown.I cannot believe my head is filled with so many things when i am driving.When i think about it now, its scary.I have so many people to prove wrong and when i simply can't, i am not feeling good.
Friends should be a pillar of strength and support for you but i simply cannot understand why friends need to compete with each other.That's one of the saddest things for human beings.Does victory over your closest friends gives you a sense of satisfaction? If yes, you have a problem and you need to question your heart.It's never my intention to compete with my friends but this kind of mentality is instilled in all of us and i realised it's very saddening.It's human nature to get an edge over others but is this really important?
Labels: I am just so disappointed
5:38 AM
Monday, August 10, 2009
Recently caught 2 movies

Another classic Jack Neo productions and it was super hilarious! However if you don't understand hokkien, i will strong advise you not to watch.If you do, you are in for a treat.

With a cast of Lau Ching-Wan,Louis Koo and Daniel Wu, you cannot go wrong.Nothing too action packed or exciting but there was a nice plot and the message was clear,if you do bad things, retribution will befall on you.
Went for an outing with my cousins and we had Kushin-Bo for lunch.

Defintely enjoyed myself.
Met up with Yahui, Xinghui & Co to witness the NDP fireworks.

Fireworks was nothing spectacular and we watched it beside a construction site.
I really cannot figure out why China women always refuse to shave their armpits.It's a mystery and it forever will be until one day i see all China woman with a clean armpit.

Just look at her ARMPIT. God damn it, my eyes hurt and my stomach feels bad.This is pure evidence.The question is, i don't understand why those China women who refused to shave their armpit always have a male companion with them.Does all China men accept girls with unclean armpit?!
8:42 AM
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

This is Sister! She is a very helpful friend, always help me complete projects and tutorials.My favourite hobby is to bully her but i very kind to her on the other hand because i helped her to join Miss Singapore Poly but she shy then declined the invitation.She like to think she chio and everytime act cute then she say i act cute.I is everytime point her middle finger and ask her to close her mouth when laughing because she got abit "bah gey".Sister also looked like "PTMM" .Overall, sister is a very nice friend and should be honoured that i blogged about her.Sister don't angry okay?! Sister ROX!!
I just realised, i am born to prove others wrong.I am not blessed with the most agile limbs but i am blessed with a sharp tongue.Many people looked down on me, i know that and i grew up with that.What matters to me is that, i don't give a damn about what they think of me because i only believed in my beliefs.That's what probably made me very stubborn and firm in my beliefs.When i believed in something, nobody could sway my mind and i mean it, if you try, i will rebutt you or not answer you and that depends if i give a damn about you.
I could have a few breakthroughs in my life but i did not take it because i believed it was not something i really have passion in.If you know me well, if i am not interested in something, i will not do it seriously.It will be a long time before i am able to prove myself to others but i believe the day will come, i really do.Probably because of the desire to prove others wrong, i strongly stand by my beliefs and sometimes i appear to be stubborn.Don't be offended by that because it is just purely me.
I am not sure if anyone think i am dumb just because i have extremely poor examination results, but if you ever think that way, let me tell you are dead wrong.I am smarter than you and i am sure i know more things in the world than you.Don't judge me by what i am doing now and by my academic results because as i said, the day will come for me to prove that i am not useless.In short, academic results only shows 10% of your intelligence.
Labels: because it's not you, i hope its not me
9:16 AM
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Late night movie yesterday and we caught this show.Personally, i really cannot give a rating.It's a horror,adventurous comedy.You will get what i mean when you watch it.For those who likes a twist in your story, you might want to catch this.It's a super huge twist.
Trust is a huge and tricky word.To me, i don't really care if it matters but it's indeed important to have trust.I would like to ask you readers how many friends around you that you trust and can be trusted? If you tell me 5, i think you are stupid.If you tell me none, i feel sorry for you to have a painful life but you are probably smart.
It's scary if you need to take precautions against humans and that is what makes schools such a dangerous place to be in.The irony is that schools is the place where you make friends and find people whom you trust and yet they are "dangerous"
I myself certainly betrayed the trust of my friends before but what about you people? Every single one of you reading this is not innocent either.This is human nature, where everyone naturally wants to gain an upperhand against others.It's definitely a sad thing but if taken lightly, emotions can be dissolved.
It's really really hard to find a best friend.I was asked by someone who is my best friend and i couldn't answer her.I can only answer her if i go all the way back to my kindergarten times.Different circumstances will always change things and change the people around you.Those whom i supposed i am close to have drifted, people whom i had grew up with have drifted and sometimes getting all the guys out is too tall a task.What i can say is that i have some great bunches of friends around, but A best friend? I don't think i have one.Friends come and go but i thought they are a type of affinity and it shouldn't be lost.
The sad thing is there's only one you and you cannot split yourself to meet different people and that is why friends whom you trust will drift apart.To put it in more ugly words, friends are actually all about making use of one another.It's sometimes a good thing but sometimes a bad thing.
8:02 AM