Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009 have came and passed by quickly. It's going to end in a few hours time.
Time flies indeed and we grow with it. There's only about 40 days before I will leave my teens and hit the 20s. Growing up is sad and difficult. For me, every increasing year comes with a heavier responsibility. Nevertheless, I must say I matured over the year. Many times, I handled certain situations badly.I changed my perception of life and I started to accept people for who they are. (There's still a few type of people whom I still and never will accept)
We never know what's coming in 2010 but I am quite sure we are going to suffer in the coming years.We need a change, a big change. I feel that many of my fellow teenagers do not know or have interest about current affairs. Many also do not understand that the newspapers we are reading are a type of propaganda.This is a serious issue which will affect everyone of us in the future.It's shocking to see the high cost of living have forced our fellow Singaporeans out of the nation as they slum into poverty here.The way this country is going is only going to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.
That is why I absoutely detest to add one to my age.NS is edging closer and 2 years is a long time.The irony is that we need to serve 2 years of NS to gain our citizenship but Gong Li and Jet Li can just ask for Singapore Citizenship and get it.What's more is that they don't even live here.
It is a fact that we need to fight harder and harder for survival in the coming years.
2010 is a big year ahead and hopefully ITP and my studies will go on smoothly barring the fact that I am not willing to be anyone's puppet.
2010 promises to be a tough year.
Labels: More good years ahead
2:12 AM
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Well, this could be one of my last posts that you will see food photos inside it.
Had something different on Boxing Day as my cousins and I decided to have Thai cuisine at SuanThai

Boil Squid with Special sauce and REALLY GREEN curry

Stuffed Chicken Wings, 1 cost $3.50 and we each could only have one.

Tom Yam soup is a must have when you have Thai cuisine. Doesn't look like a tom yam soup to you? Well, a clear soup broth is the most potent.

They were trying to fill our stomachs with free flow iced lemon tea and they gave us jugs of it.
Well, today is quite a shocking day because something I always don't really care have struck me.It's a kind of you-don't-know-how-you-feel feeling.
As clear as a crystal, I am sure all of you know I am a food fanatic.I don't deny I love food.To me, food is something more than eating. It's almost like an art to me sometimes. However, that may have a price for me to pay.
It's just 2 more months before the end of my teenage life.It is at this age that I realised, health is the most important.Medication adds to the weight of the baggage that you or your parents are already carrying from this increasingly ridiculous place that you are living in.Medication will only be a temporary solution or a catalyst to solve the problem, the real deal is to find the root and exterminate it.
I was sad, worried and for awhile I feared the worst.Then, I felt it might not be that bad afterall. Whatever it is, I am still convinced I am a healthy adult to be but I will just be concious to put what into my mouth.
The only difference is that after today, I will be leading a much healthier lifestyle.This, I promised myself.
11:15 AM
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Xmas everyone!
Yes, it is christmas today but i am not excited. I am not a person who will join the crowd at Orchard so very fortunately, i spent my Xmas eve with Xinghui, Kuanee, Corina and Geneviene. No complains or whatsoever as we went to have good food.
Headed to chomp chomp with Xinghui and Qingwen for dinner initially.

Jigen Wings, Stingray, Suger cane drink.

Nice Carrot Cake
After that, headed to Geylang for more food! It was quite a funny trip somehow.

People raved and raved about the frog porridge and I felt the praises were justified.Barring the extremely small frogs they used, everything tasted wonderful. There's no doubt that I will be back for more.
If you think that was the last thing we ate, you are wrong!

Walked a distance to have you tiao and soya bean drink. Thus, ending a day with great food.
This is satisfying enough for Christmas. It is just another day and I don't see why the need to celebrate Christmas. Sounds solemn but it is sad but true.
8:00 PM
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Thanks to Xinghui for a ride on his father's car, we headed to AMK for some Western food for supper. Just to fill you up a little bit and to whet your appetite if you have not taken your meal.

This is actually the after-meal snack. It is peanut with egg and cheese pancake.Sounds and look nice but i don't like it.My parents do like it though!

Pork Cutlet.

Chicken Chop with Fried Rice.What a bright looking sauce..
After the hearty meal, we went to lower Seletar reservoir to romantic.

Poor Xinghui injured his father's car. However, it's an honest mistake.Let's move on.
Happy things aside, I would like to share something more solemn.
Well, not many people know i have an elder brother as I rarely share it with others.The sad thing about life is that we cannot choose how are we fated to live, I could say what a difference will my life be if both my brothers are perfectly healthy and around.They will be 25 this year. However, this is something we cannot choose.God wanted our lives to be this way and we have no say.
The chinese believes some of us are born into this world to repay the sins you made in your last life and my poor brother is one living example. I do not show much love or affection for him because I never felt attached to him.However, he is my brother afterall and seeing him to go through all the pain and sufferings hurt me as well.Seeing him being admitted to hospital once again is not a nice feeling.
The thing is what a strong will he have to live.For 25 years, he could not see anything, he knows nothing, he cannot even express himself. All he could consume was just milk.However,it's probably his strong will to live that earns him another chance to be in this world everytime he seems as though he is going to leave. It was simply suffering that he has had for the past two and a half decades. A person should never deserve so much suffering but i just couldn't understand why the strong will to live.Every day you live on, you suffer another day.Why do you still choose to live?
Labels: Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.
11:50 AM
Thursday, December 17, 2009
It's time to wrap up a week that is full of good food for me.
Headed to AMK for New York New York once again.

The onion rings were very good and the sauce was excellent! I love the peanuty taste of the sauce.

Here's the food we had. Steak with Shrimp combo and Chicken with Shrimp combo. Very very juicy!

Hello Jermaine!

Hi Wanling!

Aloha Cone!
It was a simple dinner yet satisfying. I am always impressed with their service but it's just a tad too expensive for students like me.
Would like to share this email i received from a friend which i found it meaningful and true to some extent.
Money can buy you a house but not a home
Money can buy you a bed but not sleep
Money can buy you a clock but not time
Money can buy a book but not knowledge
Money can buy you a position but not respect
Money can buy you medicine but not good health
Money can buy you blood but not life
Money can buy you sex but not love
So, money isin't everything.
But.... Still, money is important!
Labels: I just couldn't get use to life now because...
8:53 AM
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Barring all the initial unhappiness, it was still a very much enjoyable outing in the end.
After much debate, we settled our lunch at Suki-Ya. I was disappointed at first that I was going to have a $20 yong tau foo buffet.However, the shabu-shabu and the sauce was definitely the winner.

Unlimited supply of sliced chicken, marbled pork and beef. I couldn't eat as much as i usually could for some reasons and I have a headache after eating them.

I don't want to have fake smiles so i never smile.

Hi Rongyuan!
Headed for ice cream at MOF after the meal and went home swiftly afterwards.
NYNY coming right up tonight!
8:42 PM
Monday, December 14, 2009
Today, it was a stomach full of disappointment for me.
We left school happily on the last day promising that Tuesday which is tomorrow that we will be free.However, I am left very very disappointed.It was bad news after bad news after bad news.
Saying that you are free on Tuesday means that you must make the whole day free for this class outing.You have no excuses or whatsoever unless you have an emergency.If you really have the heart to make the outing, you will not make any excuses.People don't understand that if we cancelled the outing tomorrow, we will never meet up again during this holidays.It's strange but for this class to get together for an outing is almost close to impossible.It is also strange for me to say all this because just only a few months back, you will not even see me for any class outings.
However, things have changed.I realised that this is a class of people whom I can never find anywhere else.With them, i found a kind of joy that I never had before.They can go to great lengths to help me and without them, I would certainly have given up my Polytechnic life.
To be honest, you guys are quite a difficult bunch of people.It's always so difficult to organise something and get everyone involved without any complains.Come to think of it, 10 weeks including our next exam period and this holidays and we will be seperated.Problems will surface, i am sure.DPFM 2A21 might never be the same again.People just don't understand this.You can say we can still meet up for lunch or whatever next year but what are the chances? Everyone will have our new classmates and our things to do.
Some of us may not feel as attached to this class and thus showing a lack of interest to appear.I will respect that because all of us have a right to priortise our friends.Even me myself do so.However, look at the situation. I mean whenever we are together, we enjoy ourselves right? Different friends offers different type of fun.I could use the fingers on my hand to count how many outings can we have in this upcoming 10 weeks.
This episode will end here.I hope everyone who reads this will not be offended because it is a message to every single one.Read this and forget about it.Most importantly, do not bear any grudges.
11:04 AM
Friday, December 11, 2009
The exams are finally done and over momentarily. I could say this time round, I put in my best effort.Don't be mistaken, I did not wake up at 6 in the morning to study and I did not glue my eyes to my notes for the whole day.It's just that I did not give up for any of the papers.I just hope that I can pass every paper but once again, odds for that is 1/500. After every exam, people rejoiced and they always look relieved. However, the end of an exam period signals a new and tougher battle coming up. The relief is very much shortlived and here we go again, preparing for a new battle.
Talking about happier things, we headed to Island Creamery for some ice cream after our paper.

This is the mudpie which looked nice initially but i still prefer cheesepie.

Applie Pie and Nutella ice cream.

Why are all of them so act cute?

I did not have enough so i bought home a tub of apple pie ice cream.It's the best i ever had.
Holidays starts now and I am getting the rotting feeling again. I really do not want to rot my holidays away.I want to work!
Labels: a secret
10:17 PM
Monday, December 7, 2009
You don't walk into a place that is on fire but i am already at the entrance.
What is sad is that we humans simply do not cherish what we possessed.
You can do everything for a girl before you win her heart.You can buy her roses everyday and send her messages to tell her how much you love her and everything but after you won her heart, you stop doing those things. After your breakup, you start to wonder why didn't you do more?
This can be explained as simple as throwing your pencil on the table and you go somewhere else.The pencil is with you and you have been using it for the past 3 years. Suddenly after you returned, your pencil is gone.Then you start to panic and will search up and down for it.Only when it's lost, you will start to realise how important that pencil is.
I guess many of us simply don't realised how important it is to cherish what is precious to us.
Labels: I am just one step away, please call the fire brigade
8:58 AM
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Don't be mistaken, I did not take part in the marathon. I was there as a cheerleader to support those runners. I am paid to do that by the way.Seriously i wondered why so many people pay money to sacrifice their sleep and break their legs. No offence to the runners though, just a personal opinion. Saw a witch and a guy wearing dress running, quite boring and dead initially but fun in the end!
On a heavier note, MST commence tomorrow.It's a sad news because it means half a semester is down and only half a semester left for DPFM 21 to be together.The start of MST also signals the start of an anxiety period.I am not like them because they are aiming for As while i am aiming for Ds.Once again,i have to force myself to memorise and picture some stuffs that i totally hate and have no interest in.
Will keep this short and hereby wishing all SP amigos best of luck for this MST and STOP COMPARING RESULTS!
Labels: i will stand by the side silently rooting for you, standing by you
6:53 AM
Thursday, December 3, 2009
For a moment, I thought lightning was going to strike at the same spot again. Fortunately, it turned out differently.
I realised or rather will admit that I still have lots of bad points as a human.Sometimes, our mouth do not match our brain and sometimes we talked too much as a human.Nevertheless, it's not wholly a bad thing.
I could have handled the whole episode better but i am glad that i handled it well.It only shows there are still many things i need to work on to improve myself.
After 19 years, I slowly grew and really appreciate kindness.It's heart warming to receive someone's kindness and helping others indeed brings some joy upon yourself.That is why I make it a must to say "thank you" to every auntie who will clear my plates after a meal and to every good service provider who served me well. People who are kind deserves respect and they deserve much more sometimes.
On a seperate issue, everybody knows MST is just round the corner.Then, the same old problem/situation comes again.People starts panicking and people starts the "competition".Bloggers will put a post up on their blogs claiming "BLOG CLOSED DURING EXAM PERIOD." People will start saying they are not going to use the computer during this period.I questioned their intelligence for that.If the excuse is saving time, one shall not eat, bath,poo or sleep because it's a waste of time as well.
Then here comes the competition, people will try every means and ways to find out how their "opponents" are doing and sometimes they might even say "I NEVER STUDY!" as they burrowed their heads into the books for 16hrs a day.Hypocritical i must say.
Education should never be about others, your studies, your results should all depends on your own effort and own desire.Why compare when we all have our own pros and cons? Grades in school does not reflect wholly on a person's intelligence.In the end, your biggest opponent will still be yourself.
However, we cannot blame the students totally.In my own opinion, the system is the root of the fault.
Labels: just walk towards the side and you will see a road, when you see a dead end
7:46 AM