Saturday, March 27, 2010

I took part in Earth Hour 2010! Anyway i bet everyone will have difficulty seeing what is going on here.
Well, okay, I was part of my attachment company's Earth Hour program and we stayed till 10pm on a Saturday! There was nothing special and in fact, we were spending most of the time walking around and chatting away. For those wondering what does Earth Hour looks like, simply off your lights tonight and you will see what i saw.
Many people say I've lost my pride and so on and so on. I do not deny that I could have done more but I did not forget that I could land myself in a worst state. It was definitely something hard to swallow but sometimes you just have to.
Finally, half of attachment is down and over. Another half left and I am hoping for an even better half. Unfortunately, not everyone goes to work with the same mindset as me. Just have to move on and hopefully at the end of this 6 weeks, we will all grow to become good friends outside this workplace.
11:17 PM
Monday, March 22, 2010

Mayim again for the 2nd time in 3 days! I am somehow a mini Mayin fan these days and I must say they serve good food. I love that Durian Egg Tart.
My enthusiasm for ITP have literally died down as 2 weeks have passed. I am just feeling more and more tired. Perhaps I am a little tired of all the stupid things that is going on right now. However, I know I still must stagger through this increasingly difficult period.
Nevertheless, I still have quite a number of experiences which I can take home from this attachment. For example, some of the bangla workers invited us into their room to have lunch with them. They treated us to their prawns and drumsticks and I must say they are absoutely nice people. How many of you out there actually can share a meal with them? It was a priceless experience no matter how the food taste.
Sad to say, life is gonna be trickier and tougher but I will make it.
I missed my classmates too. Can everyone stop being inconsiderate and let's miss up as soon as possible.
8:07 AM
Friday, March 12, 2010
Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I last blogged and simply because I did not have the time nor energy to do so. Attachment have sailed past 1 week and I am immensely satisfied with the situation so far.
Just a brief introduction for everyone, I am attached to a worker's dormitory which has high quality facilities and the best living conditions for foreign workers. Over this week, I have made some new LOCAL friends and the staff there was close to excellent. They let us learnt whatever we could and we were respected and treated like humans. Compared to my previous attachment, they are two worlds apart.
It has also been an eye opener. The things we see and do are absoutely priceless. Like for example

I "half repaired" a wall fan today.
Of course, in a dormitory where a maximum of 20 workers lived together in a unit, unhygeiene conditions are bound to surface. However, the management keeps a close eye on the cleanliness and maintenance.
I can tell you now that the China foreign workers are the worst, most unhygenic, most barbaric and the most selfish.

Just count how many rice cookers they used. It's almost a rice cooker for each person. The banglas only needed 3 rice cookers for the whole unit.

If you think this is very bad, I can tell you this is only a small area of their kitchen.
Despite helping them to maintain their unit, they still entertain you by shouting and screaming at you in frustration. I really do not know what is their problem and I really think they sucks.
anyway, so much so for the barbarians, today i was telling 1 of my itp friend that I want to understand girls better and she told me that she dont understand guys as well. So the conclusion is, " nobody understand humans"
7:28 AM
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sumptous food i had over this weekend and I met up with friends and everything and yes, I am well prepared for the start of my ITP. All negative thoughts had been eliminated and I am quite looking forward to it.
6 weeks is not a very long time but it is not exactly a very short time either. All I hope for is just a good working enviroment with nice people around. I am just resigned to be a coolie for the upcoming weeks. However, this is something that nobody can escape and that does not exclude me.
Many people wished me good luck for ITP but I don't really understand why. I am not going to casino but i am going to work! But well, got to appreciate it. So thanks everyone!
9:03 AM
Friday, March 5, 2010

Peking Duck and Suckling Pig from Ion!
You know, for me, It have come to a point where i asked myself, who is/are my best friends? It's skeptical to call friends around me my best friends. I am not a person who are afraid of losing friends and I am not afraid that I have no friends either. Honestly, wherever I go and whatever I do, I will make new friends easily.
I used to have many good friends but what the hell is wrong with all of them? Some go crazy and get paranoid for no apparent reason, some have weird habits and actions, some became stupid, some have found their other half and off they go and some found other friends. As we start to drift apart with these friends, new ones come along. As a sentimental boy/man, I definitely missed the good times I had with them. Of course I will try to look for greener pastures but at the mean time, I am simply pissed off and quite disappointed with some of the things.
It's funny when I made one huge effort to go down to town alone to get something for a friend who truly deserved my efforts but well, till now, I still couldn't get the gift across. I do certain things to make myself feel better and to let the other party knows that I appreciate whatever that has been done. When my sincerity don't get appreciated for whatever reasons, I feel disrespected.
Once you are in my good books, I will keep you there but if you do or say something that makes my mind eliminate you, I can assure you, you will not be back. It's strange because I don't waste my time on anything that I am not interested. So if my mind can't accept it, neither can I.
Nowadays, when I want to go somewhere I need to think, hey who can I call? I don't mind going alone and in fact, I love to be alone sometimes. Sometimes, when I find good food and tries to find company, I couldn't get any.Even if possible, I got to start spamming smses or plans get distrupted every now and then. It's really disappointing. There are people who appreciates me as a friend and I must say a Thank You to you but there are people whom I appreciate very much as friends who are treating me as a tool or a plant or a piece of cloth.
The worst thing I cannot accept is when I helped somebody to do something, I don't get appreciated.
1:52 PM
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Curbed my strong craving Nasi Lemak with this last night.
So, hello everyone! It's been a long time since I last blogged.
Today is a day I will never forget. I've probably never been so happy and excited about something before. To be honest, my hands were literally shaking with disbelief. My body could not cope with the overwhelming euphoria. Life is funny you see. You wake up and bath in the morning but you will never know what is going to happen to you later.
I've always said life is a gamble and today and I guess i am right. I stand by my stand stronger than ever. This is the beginning of something i will seek to continue. I guess many of you are confused now but it's okay. There are people who knows what i am talking about.
My last paper falls on tomorrow and I have about 3 days of holidays before I start my attachment. 6 weeks seems very short but to me, it is going to be forever soon. I just hope it will pass by with no troubles and I look forward to the next reopening of school.
11:16 AM