Friday, May 28, 2010

I did not have the intention to make these photos public but since it's already been made so by another friend, I shall just make good of it to show everyone the consequences of speeding.
I have survived an absolute horror of a car crash with 8 others. It is surreal that these only happened to me just 4hours ago. I am not going to explain how it happened but there will never be a good ending to have two cars coming into contact with a speed of over 120km/hr.
Just take a look at the carnage and to be honest, I really thought I was going to die. I thought I was going to die and I thought my friends were going to die.I always try to think how a person that is going to die will feel and I felt that today but I knew I did not want to at all. In my mind, I thought of my parents for about 2 seconds and that I am going to let them down by dying now. It all happened and ended for about 15 seconds. I saw and experienced a scene that is so common in a movie. Everything was just surreal and all in my mind was praying for our car not to overturn and to come to a stop.
Miracuriously, all of us survived and only one suffered minor injuries. What were the chances after seeing the damage of the cars? I simply could not believe our luck and I knew somebody up there did not want to take us away. We still have some unfinished business left here to complete and achieve.
As i am lying on my bed and typing this, I am thinking that we could have easily be lying on a hospital bed or even a casket instead. I am always deemed to be "scared of death" whenever i am sitting in a speeding car with my friends. I always remind them to drive safely because yes, i am afraid of death. Young men with raging hormones like us go for thrills but i hope whatever that have happened tonight will kill all those hormones. We shall happily revert to our "World Class" public transport for the near future.
For the plus points, it was the first time in my life that I called 999 and summoned for an ambulance and once again, it was another cool experience. However, thinking that the ambulance took 20minutes to locate us and arrive, I must say we were very very fortunate to have no one suffering serious injuries.
We will all sleep on this tonight and for young drivers who still think you will look cool for speeding in a car, think again because you might just see a tunnel of white light infront of you.
Labels: back from the face of death, My life
2:03 PM
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Never mind if you don't know who he is but his name is Jose Mourinho and just for your information, he is my idol. He's outspoken, special, awesome and is the Zhuge Liang of modern day soccer. I don't deny that I try to copy his personality but of course I know that I can never be like him. Whatever it is, he is somebody I look up to in my life. We might be miles apart but I've learnt alot from just what he says and achieved.
Sometimes it is inevitable that we look back at some instances of our lives and regret why we did not do more at that time. Sometimes, you wonder why you did not appreciate and cherish what is infront of you. Humans are strange, just take teenagers like us for example. When we were in secondary school, we cannot wait for the day to go to Poly or further studies. After we have done that, we all yearn to return to secondary school life. You never hear a secondary school student telling you "I LOVE SCHOOL." When you are working, you wished to just go to school and listen to lectures and when you are in lectures, you wished to go out to work and earn some money. It's just strange that hardly anyone of us can really appreciate what's infront of us.
Whatever it is, time manipulates humans and it will not stop for us. All we can do is to move on with life and hope that we end up with the right regrets. I missed my life in the past because at least I have something to look forward to every other week. Now, I don't even know who to approach if i want to go somewhere. Sounds very much like a sad and lonely life and i know i don't deserve this. Missed opportunities are aplenty and they are part and parcel of our lives. We simply could not speculate what will happen instead if I have chosen this or that path? Luckily, i know at the end of the day, I will still have myself and my brains.
2:23 PM
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

This is pedobear! I think its damn bloody cute and funny! hahahha, you might wanna google pedobear to find out what is it. When pedobear is coming, just run!
I REALLY HOPE EVERYONE CAN SPEND 5 MINUTES TO READ MY FOLLOWING POST.Sometimes humans are too smart for their own good. For the best part of my teenage years, I have been trying my very best to understand the people around me. I've learnt to change the selfish perception of mine and I've learnt to accept the weaknesses of others which I think is the most important.
Every single incident, we must learn to look at it in different views. What are the reasons for a particular action? Every single conflict, we must stand in the shoes of both parties.
Take an incident today that happened to me for example, I was buying food back for myself and I ordered a "Cheese sausage crepe". This is a kind of "pay and show your receipt later to collect your food" system. So while I saw my order being ready, the staff shouted out the food's name and before I could react, there was this lady who has everything of a typical kiasu Singaporean rushed to the counter and said "MINE MINE MINE!" I thought okay fine, since you are so hungry and you want the food so badly, I shall let you have it.
So I waited again for my food and Oh, this lady came much later than me in the queue. Then finally it was my turn and by then I knew she collected the wrong food item. I told the staff which was a nice auntie that the lady took my food and now I have to take her order of "Chicken floss crepe". The staff auntie was very very apologetic and she repeatedly offered to change it for me but I rejected it. In front of so many people, she have to let her senority pride down and tell me
"Sorry sorry, auntie never check properly, auntie's fault leh" This is service at its best without any GST.
At this point of time, I knew I could not bear to make her remake the food and I also never had the intention. I was fine with the chicken floss crepe but I wonder how will the kiasu woman felt after collecting the wrong food. I told the auntie that I am fine with it and It's really okay but she kept apologizing and she said "NI HEN HAO LEH". Now this really left me wondering, haven't she met an understanding Singaporean like me before? HAHA, it might be a small thing but I felt really happy because just like this, I believed we both felt the warmth of humans. If I'd chose to make things difficult for her, we would both ended up with a :( on our faces.
That brings me to my main point which is RESPECT. There are people around me who deserved to be respected and I remember them in my head and heart. Sometimes my jokes can be very crude but 99% of the time, I make sure I let the other party know it is a joke. I've grown to learnt that If you can never learn to respect others, you can achieve nothing in life. ABSOUTELY NOTHING. You can spend your whole day or week cursing and swearing at everything or everybody around you but what can you achieve? When its time to reflect yourself using your own pee, then do it! For at least now, I absoutely detest people who are rude and are always finding a way to blame others than themselves. If you are trying to be funny by being rude then I can tell you that you are the joke of your joke.
I still have much more to say but I think it would exceed 5 minutes. Thanks for those who spent your time to read my post and I will be glad if you think that whatever I've said made sense to you.
9:53 AM
Monday, May 17, 2010

Today has been a very very strange and unusual day. I wanted to say it was an unlucky day but I think I should not and I could not.
First of all, my first lesson in the morning was held in a blast furnace. The air cons were down and the power tripped at least 4 times. In the end my lecturer was so fed up that she decided to release us an hour earlier.
Having nearly 2.5 hours of break, we decided to head to a nearby coffeeshop for lunch. We ended up leaving as the coffeeshop became like a ghost town. We decided to take a bus to Vivo City and very very stupidly, all 9 of us actually went to a bus stop that do not have a bus service to take us to Vivo City. On our way to the correct bus stop, the bus actually drove past us. So by the time we finally reached the correct bus stop, we were drenched in sweat. In my mind, I was like "KNN WTF SMRJ?!"
After waiting for a good 15mins, we were finally on the way to our destination. For the first time in my life, I had Carls Jr! Well, sounds strange as I never had a chance to have Carls Jr in my life.
Our stomaches were on the verge of explosion after gobbling down that monster of a meal. Then, we were hesitating whether to return for our lessons as we were sure to be terribly late. I was thinking if I should go back to disturb my joke of a lecturer John Chan.Miss him so much because I can only disturb him once a week. After much discussion, we decided to head back to school but as we were about to tap out at Dover, we received a phone call telling us that our lecturer cannot be found! We were already a good 45 minutes late by then and our lecturer is still not in class! What a legend and what legend buddy classmates I have. They all decided to leave and left with no choice, we left as well.
I could not call this an unlucky day because I was released from lessons earlier, had a good meal and had an early day home but this was really a strange strange day.
Thanks for reading my COOL STORY!
Labels: read more into a human's mind
1:40 AM
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
First of all, my buibui lunch!

Durians my favourite and they taste like pure 100% Durian Ice Cream when you freeze them!

I don't know why but once again I've let the fire in me extinguished. Recently, I really have difficulties sleeping and I am not really sure why is that so because I have been absoutely tired. I feel really quite disappointed to have missed 1.5 days of school. I do not want to let the people who have been encouraging me and guiding me down but I guess I am exhausted by the pressure. I am not somebody who attends every lecture and tutorials. I had not been myself.
I need motivation and I need something to look forward to but I am not really getting it. I am so tired from my current life but hey I am no emo kid here. I just feel, perhaps it's time for a major overhaul in my life.
I have many things to say to different people but in all cases, it is not the right time yet. I will have to say what I need and what I want but I shall wait for the correct time.
This cannot go on and after I finished blogging this, I know I will return stronger because what doesn't kills me, makes me stronger.
Just notice how many "I" I used.
9:58 AM
Sunday, May 9, 2010

These really cracks me up.
Well sometimes life really comes to a point when we need to ask ourselves who are we living for. Here I am doing some homework which I have totally no interest in. You can argue that nobody likes homework but try doing something which bores you to death and its so tedious. I am only looking at it because I do not want to let my lecturer down.
It's funny isin't it? Most of us actually cannot do what we like and want. It all depends on how well we do for our studies. It's really funny that books shape our lives. Many of us have talents that cannot be shown to the fullest. It's such a pity but I am determined not to let studies shape my life.
It is mother's day today but for my whole life, I've never said Happy Mother's Day to my mum. Don't be like me and remember to thank your mum on this day. I believe all mothers are great.
4:17 AM
Friday, May 7, 2010

HARROWS everybuttie! Today moii ish gonna brog in a welly cute way hokay? I think many of chiu oleady cannot understand the first sentence riaos.
Yesterday de yesterday, moii ish ghost watch moobie wib Boomz Kor Kor, SotongPweencess Mei Mei and Glace Zeh Zeh.
We ish watch the IP MAN 2, it's welly welly naise! Moii ish watch till so englossed that I poured popcorn on peepur. Bai the way, IP MAN becums stronger riaos, during part 1 he ish say "
我要一个打十个!!!" In part 2, he neber say anything but he ish "一个打一百
个!!!" I think Part 3, he ish gonna be becums even more powderful.
Moii ish ghost school and keep cherrenging moii crassmates to fight but they say moii ish Master Hung so they ish dunch dare to fight moii :(
Everybuttie who watched IP MAN 2 ish starting to brink their eyes hard hard, sho farnie. HAHAHAHAHA
Hokay rahhs, I think many of chiu ish read till brur brur riaos~
Moii this post ish inspired my flen Kuanee,
Hectic weekend coming up.
Labels: I am not lying to myself
7:26 AM
Sunday, May 2, 2010

My home-made comfort buibui food.

This is really some great enlightenment.
Alright I slept at 6am and i was awake by 9am because of some terrible noise. I shall not elaborate anything further due to sensitive issues.
I have been feeling out of place, just a weird feeling like my soul is not in my body. Sounds freaky but I am still breathing normally. In short, I'm just not feeling good. I am just starting to realised that life can never be a bed of roses and life is no longer a joke. If you know me long enough, you can see the transformation in my blog. My blog used to be funny and entertaining but it has now became a serious, personal diary of mine. Definitely, I lost plenty of readers and some clicked the "X" button after reading less than a paragraph. However, I have no regrets or whatsoever, as long as there are people out there who are willing to read what i write, i will write on.
At this age, responsibility and pressure is really starting to get into me. I used to be very selfish but now, I think I am always there to help my friends if i can. Honestly, I have demons inside me but I know that these demons will help me in the future. We all need that little bit of ruthlessness to survive in the future.
1:57 AM