Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Went to Ikea, GIANT last week at Tampines because G wanted to go to GIANT badly. It seems as though she never knew that GIANT is just a huge but seemingly meaningless supermarket.
Nevertheless, we travelled to Tampines with G, Xh and J who made a special appearance. Went to Ikea to have our lunch and you should be amazed at the crowd over there. The queue was like a queue for a $10m toto outside a Singaporepools outlet. However, determined to taste the food there, we were undeterred by the crowd.
finally finally.....

Sounds abit WOLS but this was my first time eating their famous Swedish meatballs and chicken wings. It's been quite a long while since i tasted such good chicken wings.
There's something baffling going on somehow. I realised not many people are blogging nowadays.I scanned through my links and only about 5 or 6 are still blogging as usual. Blogging used to be the trend but what caused the downfall? Exams? Packed schedule? Lack of interest?
Just hope more people can blog more regularly and can help kill off abit of my boredom at home!
Labels: nobody can understand
2:25 AM
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I had not been blogging because i wanted to blog something happy and fun about my life. However, with the lack of posts, you could see there's nothing vibrant in my life so far.
Recently went to as far as Yew Tee to play basketball thanks to someone. Anyway went to eat at HK cafe.
Chicken curry noodles

Hot and sweet Lychee Chicken.
On a heavier note, I feel that I am at the lowest point of my life. I am afraid I can no longer take the stress or whatever you call it on me anymore.
Have any of you felt this way? Sometimes when i sleep, I simply hope i don't wake up anymore.I don't like to sleep but i am so so tired of living.
Nobody can understand what my life is about. You may think i am leading a good and carefree life but sadly, that's not the case.Definitely not. I just hope to return to the past.When everyday i will get $2 of pocket money and that's it. There will be no responsiblity on me and nobody expects great things from me.You understand nuts about this world and that would be great.You will never get to know how shitty this world is and how realistic and stereotype humans can be.
I really hope everybody can stop forcing me to do things i seriously hate or do not wish to do. Yes, i admit i am useless and that is the way i will stay until the time is right for me to prove myself.I don't know how but somehow i strongly believe I will have a way.
I have gain nothing new in life for a very very long time. My life badly needs an injection of new blood.Right now, it had hit rock bottom.People showed a lack of confidence in me and that's one of the most frustrating things that can happen to me.It caused my confidence to collapse as well and at the end of the day, I conclude they were not better than me but the problem remains with the human's mind.I cannot accept whenever people show a lack of confidence in me.
I am someone who feels a sense of responsibility to the people i care for and love.Believe me or not, I will do everything possible to protect them.I am always so so disappointed to lose any of them.
I won't jump off a building or whatever, God destined me for a hard life but God gave me a positive attitude. However, i am starting to feel that alone, is not enough for me.
Labels: I need to improve myself and I need people to believe in me
10:45 AM
Monday, September 14, 2009
I am not talking only about myself but sometimes when i think of it,
Girls have a truly great ability to affect a guy's life.
Guys will do things that they never thought they can ever do it
Guys don't care about others things except for them
Guys lose sleep over them.
Guys do stupid things because of them
Guys lost themselves because of them
In short, they became everything.
Guys can prepare to sacrifice anything for them
whether the girl appreciates it anot, we never know.
Guys can worry and fret about them
whether the girl appreciates it anot, we never know.
whether a guy can affect a girl's life this way, i am not too sure because i haven't seen one case yet.
Anyway this was only what i think after reading through and seeing some stuffs. Only guys will agree with this. HAHA
In the meantime, i just came across something i shouldn't have known or seen but once again, it has left me pondering and my mood had simply plundered.
The End
Labels: Happy Birthday
11:06 AM
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thanks Kuanee and his lao bu, thanks Coneman and thanks Banana for helping out greatly.
I must say what i felt today was missing from me for a very very very long time.
I had suffered greatly for the past week but it's just part of a mammoth effort which is meant to be a secret.I seriously and sincerely hope that my hardwork will pay off.Sometimes, i seriously thought i was going to die but i really hope i can pull through this difficult period for a brighter future.
Labels: once again, thanks to all and to you
8:57 AM
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hope to see you again.
If you are first you are first. If you are second, you are nothing."
Bill Shankly
9:28 AM
Monday, September 7, 2009
Initially, i felt excited for my attachment but damn, after today, i really wondered how am i going to survive for the next 6 weeks.
I did physical training today as i helped to move furnitures, dismantle a bed and bought tables and chairs to set up our office for 8.Those furnitures were so damn bloody dusty and my nose felt like dropping out now.
Travelling time is about 3 hours to and fro and if you ask me, i will tell you that's a seriously huge waste of precious time.I must work 9 to 6pm on weekdays and I just learnt that we have to work on Saturdays as well. It's unbelivable but i felt this is as if taking my life away.
I called Sister and Weilun straight after work and i felt sad and angry for them as well. Sister tried to act chio but not chio enough to impress her boss so she got scolded.However, her chioness still ensured she have lots of milo to drink.
Weilun sounded like as if he was tortured but i understand it is very tiring.Try standing with those office workers during peak hours in the MRT and i can guarantee you it's a hellish nightmare.In the first place, we were told we were only needed to work from Monday to Friday.Now? Saturday as well and the worst thing is, our pay is as bad as a farmer. We are considered cheap labour and therefore, we are being treated differently as well.They will jsut throw any jobs at you when they do not feel like doing it.
Shini is the best among us. She have pig intestine's soup to eat today and she still can complain. Hope Shini everyday do 5hrs OT.
I simply missed the times inside the classroom.This is going to be such a difficult period of my life.
Labels: i need to work 36 out of my next 42 days
6:24 AM
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I know i fat but recently my friends got nothing to do and they went to my old blog to dig old photos of mine. They said i last time skinnier alot alot and me is believe. You believe? If you don't believe, i can show you evidence.

I last time really slimmer right? :(
Labels: call me lousy again please
10:10 AM
Thursday, September 3, 2009
For girls who like to act cute and go "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" over little things, this post is not meant for you. I am about to show you interesting facts about human's nature.
1. Masturbation is a normal stage in growing up, it is perfectly natural for people hitting puberty to masturbate, and there is nothing wrong with it.
2. Masturbation also does not cause bodily harm, that is, within a given limit, for most people, your body can take the stress of masturbating no more than twice a day.
3. Masturbating on a regular basis, that is, a routinely schedule, is better than not masturbating, masturbate every other day actually helps decrease the testosterone level in your blood stream.
4. A decrease in testosterone balances your body’s hormone level that is said to help treat pimple break outs, easier to control anger.
5. Masturbation also increases blood circulation in your body, and oxygen supply.
6. However, controlled masturbation without ejaculation is said to cause harm to your body on a long term basis, it is strongly not recommended to withheld ejaculation as it is said to be extremely harmful to your testes.
7. Do not masturbate for more than four times a day, or three times on a consecutive basis. This causes extra stress on your testes and can cause cells to undergo meiosis (a form of cell division) higher than normal speed, and increases the chance of non disjunction (a form of genetic defects in sex cells). You could be sterile if you masturbated too often (that is more than four times a day. People claimed they can ejaculate sixteen times a day, I just want to call them stupid idiots).
8. Masturbation with normal ejaculation is just the same as having sex, nothing wrong with that within a limit.
9. It is also a good practice for when the time comes.
1. Masturbation causes kidney failure?
No, your parents tell you this because they do not want you to do it; it does not affect your kidney and is no where near the causes for kidney failure.
2. It will make your penis grow larger?
No, it will not do that either, people’s penis size cannot be increased (all the advertisement that claims they can is a bunch of fake). Your penis size is set when you finished puberty (usually 18 or 19).
3. It will hurt your penis?
Masturbate (or have sex too often) can bend the shape of your penis to the right or left a little bit depends on if you are left or right handed. However, it does not impede the normal functions of your penis and can be ignored. It does not hurt your penis if you are not circumcised, if you are, lubricating oils are recommended (or you can use soap, two birds with one stone, you can clean your penis whilst enjoy it).
4. Is it unnatural?
No, it is not, ever since men had developed the ability to use their hands, they started to masturbate, some religious group (mainly Christian and Catholic) claims they are a sin, but again, 93% of the male population over 16 masturbates.
If they all go to hell, 7% of the original male population will take on the task of breeding 76% or the original female population.
I believe, for guys, this is interesting. Take it as a form of education.
today i am a very very angry man.I got an awful lunch and then receive the most awful news. I am reposted to Jalan Beenan Kapal for my attachment. Can anybody kindly tell me where the hack is that? SP had actually forgotten to arrange an interview for me and my previous company and now, i have to go to somewhere inaccessible and with a peasant pay. Who can i complain to? No one.
Labels: my next step will be crucial
8:40 AM
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Returned to Yishun Town during teacher's day and it's truly a saddening sight. So many teachers had left and there were so many teachers whom i do not even know.

Performance was poor in entertainment value i guess.

My Sec 4 form teacher and he's a die hard Liverpool fan! Even he knows Lucas Leiva plays like a headless chicken.

Yishun Town was a great place to be at for 5 years of my life.Strict rules were in place and sometimes i suffered like a cow but still, it was a great school. I believe there's no where else you will find better teachers. I am always lucky to have dedicated teachers around me.Some fought for me and some made decisions that were the best for me.Some gave their best in teaching me and some chased hard after me.I really wished my teachers could do this to me again. Happy Teachers day!
Labels: ITP in 5 days
11:14 PM